COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

I've decided I love everything about this game... Except the 'Copter killstreaks. They just damn ruin the game. Cheap kills imo - I even agree with the mortars and napalm etc, but I just can't stand those 'Copters. I felt dirty using one too. Ugh! I think also, the fact they can withstand a shot from an AA tube adds to making them overpowered.
I reckon take those out and it'd be spot on imo :)
Last stand in this game is crap too, the person in last stand is like a T1000 Terminator and doesn't die.
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Theres a short period as they go down when they invulnerable... very annoying as some people seem to be able to shoot back in this time. If people use it too much I end up swapping to the grenade launcher to make sure they stay down :( its one of the few things I think ruins COD games.
They did away with marty, they should do away with lame stand as well TBH - you can blow someone's head off with an RPG and then they kill you with a pistol :/
They did away with marty, they should do away with lame stand as well TBH - you can blow someone's head off with an RPG and then they kill you with a pistol :/

lol that is utterly infuriating, seriously rage inducing, worse yet, you destroy someone 1v1 then some other chump comes along an finishes off the wimp in last stand an gets the kill leaving you with an assist, pathetic perk.
yeah another issue is its the standard perk in the assault build so even if u hate it (id rather just respawn and use proper guns) you get stuck with it until you get to build a class.
Its always funny killing someone looking over an object, then getting killed because you couldn't see there retarded last stand with the insanely accurate pistol fire. I'm sorry i thought you were nearly dead, but apparently you could still manage to line up down the sights and unload 10 pistol bullets in a second.
Well it now works, that was a convienient patch! Having said that I just went in with my new g500 mouse and hadnt bound any of the controls yet so kept just getting killed next to people because I had no knife button lol. 3 kills to 8 deaths in ffa lol i suck.

Is there a new patch?

My Steam hasn't downloaded anything?
Last stand in this game is crap too, they person is last stand it like T1000 Terminator and doesn't die.

This is my only gripe with the game at the moment as even in hardcore they take more rounds to put down in final stand then whilst they are stood up lol
Damit, it seems like at the moment you have loads of people anoyed with the game, rangeing from they kinda nerd rage you could see from space and others just really really hateing one or two bits of the game, but all of which still most adamant that they still want to play and still enjoy Black Ops multiplayer.

Makes deciding to buy the game really anoying :P, might just have a 'what the hell' moment in the week and grab it even at £40 lol.
I love the game, I am first prestige rank 24 now. But today the game has been locking up online. Screen goes black or just locks up. Highly annoying when I have 8000+xp earnt in the round lol.

But buy the game, Its addictive
Damit, it seems like at the moment you have loads of people anoyed with the game, rangeing from they kinda nerd rage you could see from space and others just really really hateing one or two bits of the game, but all of which still most adamant that they still want to play and still enjoy Black Ops multiplayer.

Makes deciding to buy the game really anoying :P, might just have a 'what the hell' moment in the week and grab it even at £40 lol.

the games decent and most of the haters are the same people.also theres lots of trolls cause of its epic nature of being cod .
ok out of millions apon millions playing it a few in percentage terms cant.

most of the ones cant rage on forums which i understand but....the majority can and are enjoying the game.
There are always trolls but it has to be said that for your average user this game has a lot of negative points. It's more a 'what could have been' issue I think.
I love the game, I am first prestige rank 24 now. But today the game has been locking up online. Screen goes black or just locks up. Highly annoying when I have 8000+xp earnt in the round lol.

But buy the game, Its addictive

Did you update to ATI 10.11? I did and I had the issues. Downgraded back to 10.10 and it's running ok now

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