COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Considering setting up XP on dual boot to see if it resolve this stuttering.. anyone else tried this?

Yes i installed xp and game nows runs without any stutter. Came from W& 64bit and it was unplayable due to stutters.

Not the perfect solution but it will do for now till they sort it out.
I have to use snd_restart at the start of each map as well or the stuttering takes forever to settle down (it never goes away). As it is in firefights once I start shooting or someone else does thats it not much I can do til its over and one of us is dead - which makes non-hardcore FFA a bitch to play.
i've never had a problem with the sound.

what problem are people getting?

It sounds to me like some of the sounds do not play correctly and are looping, so certain sound fx or ambient sounds you just hear the first 1 second of a sound glitching the whole map if you do not snd_restart, it also slows the whole game down slightly and contributes to the glitching.

How this game got through testing, tryarch are having a laugh.
Yea I can play the game perfectly fine after disabling all the graphics features and doing a command to restart the sound every map. Yea it plays just fine until i shoot someone and then it glitches. The forums are full with people complaining about the game mate. There is even a thread on their forum about class action law suit, now i have never seen a game where the players want to sue the developers. Perfectly fine, maybe wrong choice of words. Playing the game, sure.

They are still having a laugh, they all went on thanks giving holiday after releasing a game that barely works.
Yes i installed xp and game nows runs without any stutter. Came from W& 64bit and it was unplayable due to stutters.

Not the perfect solution but it will do for now till they sort it out.

Please tell me how to do this.

When I install steam on XP it downloads the game again.

If I copy the steam apps folder to XP from Win 7 Steam doesn't even want to load :(
Just had to share this fix I found, it has got the game running the best I've had it so far.
"I've been subjected to a full dose of problems with Black Ops - out of the box it was unplayable, extreme stuttering and frame rates jumping from 60 to 15 crazily.

Patch did't really help.

Shadows off/vsync on helped smooth things out a bit but still the suttering continued.

Then i tried this (found it on the steam forums)

Go into your cfg. file (for both multi and singleplayer) and open it in note pad

press ctrl + F and search for "seta r_rendererPreference" without the quotation marks

It should say "Default"

Change it to "Shader Model 3.0"


Fixed all of the stuttering for me. Frame rate still isn't where it should be but it usually stays above 45 and never goes below 30. I know it seems like an illogical fix, but it honestly really helped me.

Give it a try.

My specs:

e7200 @ 3.16ghz

4 gigs ddr2 ram

ATI HD 5850

Windows 7 64 bit"

The forums are full with people complaining about the game mate. There is even a thread on their forum about class action law suit.

Big fact in life for online gaming. Forums will always be full of threads trashing games, because the majority of people who are actually playing the game, are just doing that, playing the game.
Some of these posts have 1000s of posts and 100,000s of views its a lot more of an issue than you generally get with a game release.
I am not going to argue with you about it. This release was rushed out to meet the christmas sales deadline and it was not finished, it was not ready for release. Have you played it ? surely you must have had the stuttering like everyone else ?
I am not going to argue with you about it. This release was rushed out to meet the christmas sales deadline and it was not finished, it was not ready for release. Have you played it ? surely you must have had the stuttering like everyone else ?

I have played it, and I received no stutter whatsoever, and I also get a stable 125fps...

No such thing as rushed games, as games that don't get rushed still have the same problems.
This is the most broken AAA multiplayer game I've ever played. The only rival was the Bad Company 2 launch where their login servers were overloaded, but at least when you got into the game it worked and there were no major technical issues with the actual multiplayer game.

Fallout New Vegas was similarly broken at launch - unplayable lag in crowded areas, until a user made work-around was created. Fortunately a patch released a few days later totally fixed the major problems I had. With Black Ops it's two weeks later and we've still not got a fix.
Theres a lot of very real issues with this game that result in it either being completely broken or an extremely degraded gaming experience for a large number of players - to the degree that there is no way they didn't know about these issues if the game had any proper play testing at all... so either they rushed it out or they didn't test... neither is acceptable.

I hang out on half a dozen gaming forums some with dedicated Black Ops sections and several gaming communities - I have ties to one of the larger GSPs - by far the largest majority of people are having issues with this game.
The only rival was the Bad Company 2 launch where their login servers were overloaded, but at least when you got into the game it worked and there were no major technical issues with the actual multiplayer game.

You must be joking.

BC2 had major problems also; Graphic bugs, crashes, poor performance, etc...

Took Dice quite a while to fix also.
I do not think it went through testing, it could not have been tested, if it was tested they must have made the decision to send it out in a semi to non working state.

tester to lead dev "oh this is stuttering terribly on 80% of the setup"
dev to sales "this is not ready for release, it does not work correctly"
sales to tester "it runs ?"
tester "yes"
sales "send it out"
I am sorry to say this but this was the last game I have pre ordered on PC mainly due to Black Ops, I feel robbed to be honest. £30 for a game that let's be honest is not the best looking and it runs on some old engine. Online lag is a joke and performance is a joke on the older systems even though other games perform just fine ie new Medal of Honor or BC2.

Games like this one + other reasons will kill pc gaming (yes we have heard this before) but it is slowly happening.
Just had to share this fix I found, it has got the game running the best I've had it so far.
"I've been subjected to a full dose of problems with Black Ops - out of the box it was unplayable, extreme stuttering and frame rates jumping from 60 to 15 crazily.

Patch did't really help.

Shadows off/vsync on helped smooth things out a bit but still the suttering continued.

Then i tried this (found it on the steam forums)

Go into your cfg. file (for both multi and singleplayer) and open it in note pad

press ctrl + F and search for "seta r_rendererPreference" without the quotation marks

It should say "Default"

Change it to "Shader Model 3.0"


Fixed all of the stuttering for me. Frame rate still isn't where it should be but it usually stays above 45 and never goes below 30. I know it seems like an illogical fix, but it honestly really helped me.

Give it a try.

My specs:

e7200 @ 3.16ghz

4 gigs ddr2 ram

ATI HD 5850

Windows 7 64 bit"


Has everyone who has lag/stutter problems tried this?
I am on Windows7 64 bit aswell, the same as the source's O.S.; along with a e8400 @4.2 ghz and a 5850.

It has stopped running like molasses and made this game fun for me, so much so I have just been running about jumping over cars, like I've been born free; :D totally loving the increased fluidty.
*Begging your pardons on the faux pas of quoting myself; this has to help someone else, as much as it has for me and others it seems.
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