COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

I think BFBC2 is awesome, haven't played it for a while but it was great fun. You actually have to aim, not just shoot and pray it hits something, and the gameplay and objectives for each class type were significantly different from eachother.

The only thing that can save PC gaming in my eyes is... the next Counterstrike :D
Brink is gonna fail horribly I think :( lots of gimmicky ideas that seem good on paper but in reality just get in the way of uncomplicated gameplay when your actually properly playing the game (tho do look cool when your showing it off to journalists). Theres some good ideas in there that could raise the bar if implemented properly but sadly I don't see that happening. Tho I think the terrain traversal mechanism will get reused and better implemented in future titles with great success.
I see brink as being the next TF2 personally, also find it remarkable that people who bought into the rehash that is bops - and could be seen from a mile away - are knocking what looks to be a great innovative team based fps.
Brink eh? hmmmm?

Whilst it could fit the TF2 slot nicely, Valve just keep updating and pumping out enough new content to make Tf2 fresh (personally im sick of it) Its an old game now but still so popular.

I just don't think there is room for it in the "cartoony" characterised FPS market, its just too late to come.

I didnt know there was a RO2 on the horizon. I played the first one for many an hour but i found it a bit frustrating in the end.
Sheisse Ruskie! Very good Game though, except the tank maps bored the crap out of me
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I see brink as being the next TF2 personally, also find it remarkable that people who bought into the rehash that is bops - and could be seen from a mile away - are knocking what looks to be a great innovative team based fps.

i knew what black ops would be . i brought it to tide me over cause i was bored of cod 4 which is still the best modern fps. bfbc2 can be reasonable for few maps but the amount who use nab tactics ruin it. a lot on here i might add :p if there was some kind of promod type mod for it it would be ten times better. that wont ever happen though.

brink will fail. sorry it will. red orc 2 maybe a game id like but..... it wont have the numbers behind it. it never has. that doesnt make it a bad game though but for multi it will kill it for me personally.

so ill just buy a new game here and there and tread water while playing thehunter.

black ops promod does sound good though and is nearly done. hopefully its as smooth as its supposed to be and more noobless with it stripped down.
For those with nVidia cards and getting the stutters - I just installed the inf modded 265.90 quadro drivers on my setup and they seem to have massively decreased the stutter to the point its almost non-existant in combat training - about to test it online multiplayer now.
Brink sounded more like a Borderlands wannabe with free running. People thinking it'll be the next TF2 are being a bit deluded... its not even the same gameplay type which immediately means it couldn't ever replace it. It does sound interesting, but it also sounds like i'd get more out of the singleplayer and rarely bother with multiplayer, so if the SP isn't upto much then i wouldn't bother.
Got bored of this game last night, had no motivation to play it whatsoever, so i uninstalled it and jumped on BF:BC2 and had a nice round on there [was a pleasant change tbh] and jumped on Champions Online for the remainder of the evening.

In no way is this saying the game is rubbish, as i enjoyed my time on it to an extent, i just got bored.
As my previous post, been playing with inf modded 265.90 quadro drivers and no longer getting the insane stutter in firefights online :) performance is still not as good as it should be tho - can just about cap at 85fps on a 470SLI setup - should be able to cap 125 easy and possibly even 250.
Do we know when nvidia are officially releasing the new drivers?

Also are you sure it isn't placebo effect because the 265.90 release notes don't mention Black Ops as far as I can see.
Pretty sure its not placebo - I was getting absolutely insane stuttering as soon as I entered certain parts of the map and when firing or someone firing at me, very noticeable, now I just get a bit of an fps dip (still 60+ tho) but no distracting stuttering. Its not completely fixed but its more or less playable rather than borderline unplayable.

EDIT: Still having to use 48,000Hz DVD quality in soundcard drivers matched with snd_khz 48 setting ingame and snd_restart at the start of each map coupled with selecting bilinear filtering to keep things smooth the drivers on their own help a lot to remove stutter but don't help with all the performance issues.
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Im getting bored of it now too, started playing with the worst guns possible to make it a challenge- i usually end up very frustrated tho and rage a bit.
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