COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

I really don't know why but i suck at this game, like really bad. On the previous COD's i wasn't brilliant but i was able to get in the top 3 atleast about 70% of the time, on this i'm nearly allways bottom :/

The feel of the game, plus the really awful maps(imo) just don't suit me at all and i normally take a few months to really get bored of COD but i've been bored of it after about 2 weeks.

I can't put my finger on why it's so rubbish but the lack of a sniping map, even though i never use a sniper build may be a factor too :/

Also i am ALLWAYS getting killed from behind or in places i wouldnt expect an enemy to be and i'm assuming it's down to the ridiculous spawning system. I haven't rage quit for a very long time but this makes me very close to it.
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I uninstalled this game ages ago, laggy rubbish...No shooters seem to interest me these days, i think we need Counter Strike 2.

You know, you have a point.

I've found CS/CSS to be the only FPS I've always been able to go back to. Regardless of dated graphics and gameplay.
Weirdest thing happened. Went for third prestige, traded the lot in as per usual, went in-game and my rank was still prestige 2 lvl 50. I lost all weps n perks but they were unlocked and available to buy. Tried all ways, prestiged again, nothing. Last resort, I created a new class, Commando with Silencer, Reflex, Blue Dot, Camo, Tag and Emblem, Ghost in 1, Warlord in 2 and Hacker in 3 (Had the pros for all of those but now gone), Claymore. Joined a game and I went to prstige 3 lvl1 but I kept that class! This was 3 days ago and its still there and I'm lvl 24. Unfortunately though, cannot create any other classes or buy anything else, though I have that carried over class which I'm more than happy with. Bizarre ... though not surprised.

Oh, game crashes every half an hour now since yesterday evening. Trying to figure out why but breath will not be held :\
The peak player count has plummeted quickly with this game (~50k already); give it 2/3 months and it'll be neck and neck with MW2.
I actually really enjoyed this for a few days after it came out and haven't really had many problems apart from a bit of lag/stutter on release day.

By the time I got to max level (before prestige) I was utterly fed up and bored. It really is just the same all over again and it's got old.

Black Ops has been shelved and I've restarted HL2......again.

Literally praying for the day when we get a decent online FPS.
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The peak player count has plummeted quickly with this game (~50k already); give it 2/3 months and it'll be neck and neck with MW2.

Saw this the night i got bored of the game. My usual servers are usually very hard to get a space on, this time they were near empty with the odd 2 near full.
i've not touched this all week.. just no incentive to get back into it. I made 3rd prestige (i've played waw/mw/mw2 without getting prestige) and it's just plain boring now.. I'm getting back into BC2 as NAAAAMM is coming out soon :D

I've been playing the SP but i haven't touched MP for a while now. Roll on Xmas sales so i can pick up MW cheap tbh. Some good memories of MP5 ownage on that game that this game hasn't really come close to. Far too many gimmicks on it.

Anyway, as the SP goes... storyline is 1 of the most ridiculous tales of bull**** american bravado i have ever seen with some truly stupid moments (basically the Yahtzee review got it spot on). My personal favourite is when you sneak through the VC base planting C4... then blow it up and have a huge frigging shoot out anyway. What was the point? Was that treyarchs attempt at mimicking the Chernobyl thing from MW or something? The 'twist' was pretty cool though.
For the most part its a decent game if you try and ignore the story (Treyarch, when i press to skip a scene i don't mean i want to skip 60 seconds of the 5 minute cut scene, i want to skip it ALL, understand?) and some very badly done bits aside its fairly challenging on Veteran.
i re brought cod 1 and united offense. back to a decent game until red orchestra 2 comes out :D.

I bought those two on offer a while back, played the first one for the first time ever last week and thoroughly enjoyed it over MoH, United Offense is also a very good game as well. The only CoD series i've played are CoD:4, WaW, MW2 and BO.
Still find about 7000 servers in total, though I only play hardcore mode there a few decent FFA and team death match servers that sort me out for a gaming fix.
I bought those two on offer a while back, played the first one for the first time ever last week and thoroughly enjoyed it over MoH, United Offense is also a very good game as well. The only CoD series i've played are CoD:4, WaW, MW2 and BO.

cod 1 and uo are best cod games there still are busy servers but most wont be too busy till later in day. no bs perks and you actually need a bit of skill or you get ruined.
absolutley sick to death of cod 4 :p honestly played it so hard since release that i cant bear to play it even though it is one of the best fps games ever made.

thing is all the silly promod servers have put the stupid skins on and are riddled with so many hackers its comedy gold. lols everytime a stevy joins and becomes a monster :D . it lures most of the hackers to it as they want to get picked up for decent teams. everyone wants to be pro .

to be honest cod 1 and uo are still ten times harder to play proper than promod.
lol cod 1 and uo are better than cs in my op none after maybe but they are as good and very similar in skill needed to play.
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