COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

This is really starting to wind me up now. Server browser just wont find any servers, even though it was working fine earlier :mad:

EDIT: Just worked for a couple of minutes, but still couldnt connect to a game.. just timed out every time. Now the sever browser is coming up empty again.
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Something must have changed as I can't connect to servers now, as others have mentioned.
Again, as someone who hasn't got the game, and hence hasn't opened it, what is so wrong with it lag issue aside?

Just to add, 'lag' is a misnomer. To me, 'lag' means a network issue, ie. latency, you fire and you miss because of the delay between client and server etc. That is lag.

The problem with this game is a variable framerate and regular complete freezes. This also occurs offline against bots in the training mode.

I think there are some deep rooted problems with the game code and I'm not optimistic they will be fully resolved but I hope they are, because I've spent £30 now and can't get that back :)

The whole game is medicore. SP and MP. Bland story in SP, bland forgettable maps in MP. Not like MW where every map is distinctly different and has its own memorable character. In Black Ops they are all much of a muchness. Right now the game is looking like an epic failure.
The whole game is medicore. SP and MP. Bland story in SP, bland forgettable maps in MP. Not like MW where every map is distinctly different and has its own memorable character. In Black Ops they are all much of a muchness. Right now the game is looking like an epic failure.

Thanks for the heads up. Was considerng getting this earlier today as I have a few mates getting it in. One for the back burner atm.
Hmmm, getting jerkyness in SP. Haven't tried MP yet.

Everything is on full on SP. It doesn't seem like FPS lag though as it's not constant. It's as if the game is continually loading something and using up CPU.

*Sigh* Another craptastic console port I guess. :( said:
It is not to do with PC specs or server configuration there would appear to be a bug in the game that is causing graphical lag spikes to a specific people. The developers have been made aware of this bug and they are looking into it.

So there you have it, as we surmised, it isn't a network issue but a game code issue.
Erm its not? I'm guessing you were one of the people that ran around noob tubing everyone and are now disappointed you cant :p

You can't? Why? You can still have assault rifles with grenade launchers just like in MW2. I keep hearing noob tubing has been taken out but it isn't true is it. The only way it will be taken out is if a particular server has rules forbidding it, and an admin who kicks people for using it. Like on some COD4 servers.
just installed mine and played about 5 mins of single player and it seems to run fine as far as I can tell.

Have not got everything cranked up but it certainly is not set low. Looks good enough as well imo.

Have not tried MP yet but will give that a go later.
Finally got into an MP game (Protip, leave it for a few minutes, it'll get there). Ranked up to level 7 or so. Server crashed, now back to level 1. Sigh.
So are there any OcUK servers yet? I remember posts about people from here getting dedicated servers for this game.

Finger crossed my copy has arrived today.
Just to add, 'lag' is a misnomer. To me, 'lag' means a network issue, ie. latency, you fire and you miss because of the delay between client and server etc. That is lag.

The problem with this game is a variable framerate and regular complete freezes. This also occurs offline against bots in the training mode.

I think there are some deep rooted problems with the game code and I'm not optimistic they will be fully resolved but I hope they are, because I've spent £30 now and can't get that back :)

The whole game is medicore. SP and MP. Bland story in SP, bland forgettable maps in MP. Not like MW where every map is distinctly different and has its own memorable character. In Black Ops they are all much of a muchness. Right now the game is looking like an epic failure.

yes we know this has to be the third time iv'e seen the same thing posted in the thread from you moaning about the SP
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