COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

If you disable cat ai and turn off all eye candy put textures too normal no AF the mouse doesnt suffer with mouse lag. This is becoming a trend for games now why? My pc should be raping this game. Is this yet another crappy port?
A bit of fail then, won't bother going Tesco tonight then to pick it up. With the new map pack for BC2 and Vietnam around the corner I may just miss this one just like I did MW2.

And nothing of value was lost..
Steam cloud is offline, non of my Steamworks games will load.

Steam friends are offline too.

This is the downside of Steam.

Whoop, glad it's not just me!

This has been a massive balls up of a launch by the looks of it, lag and steam fail, what more could we have expected :p
A bit of fail then, won't bother going Tesco tonight then to pick it up. With the new map pack for BC2 and Vietnam around the corner I may just miss this one just like I did MW2.

And nothing of value was lost..

Same, paid £6 for Vietnam BC2 map pack. So why do I need to spend another £40 on yet another retarded shooter.
The actual game is as good as any COD game. If you didn't ever like COD then you won't like this.

I thought MW2 was a great game poorly implemented. Black Ops should be as good once the server problems are sorted out.

Again I will make the point that no matter how prepared Valce seem to think they are as far as server capacity is concerned they just aren't.

Everytime there's a big release, whether is a new game or free content for Left4Dead, Steam crashes and burns.

I am a big fan of Steam, I only buy game via Steam now for my PC and in theory it's the best was to buy and play games. It just needs to be much more robust around big releases.

One of the other problems is the fact that everything that goes wrong is fixed on US time and not UK time. Which in the case of Black Ops means we had the game unlocked before them and so have had these problems for much longer.

I am sure it will all be resolved in shortly, but I remain frustrated non the less.
just had an hour or two, plays fine on my rig at max settings (Q6600,GTX260,4gigs of ram) single player seems ok, same old COD realy. Multiplayer seems ok too, need to learn maps before I can give a proper opinion. Not getting any problems so far that many seem to be reporting.
Just installed and steam is saying no connection :(

Sp seems ok more concerned about multi as ive read some people saying its just people spamming prone...yet again...
I was pleased this morning to come down for breakfast and find an package from that big rainforest company (if you know what I mean :P )had dropped through the letterbox, I open it up to find a PS3 copy of black ops... sigh... sent it off already refund and the PC replacement is on its way! :(
runs ok for me max settings but a bit jerky in some random bits, not even when there's lots of explosions/effects etc, and not even the same bit every time
it's the same on max settings 1920x1080 as it is with everything at its lowest!

still playable but could be better!

one thing that's happening to me that I haven't seen mentioned is the skipping audio in the cutscenes/loading videos between levels, sounds like a scratched cd
again it's random and happens in different places each time
anyone else had that ?

even the intro movie with Treyarch stutters for me
Yeah, this is happening quite a lot in the games I play.

Seems to happen all the time in cod games, i would have though by now they would have slowed down being able to go prone, but from the vids ive seen and what people are saying it seems as effective as it ever was.
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