COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

guys when installing from the CD, it gave me an installscrpit error. so googled, and activated the key, and then tried to install again, it went past the stage of the error, but its not trying to install from steam servers, WTF. i only have a 5Mb connection, so its taking a good few hours, and thats the reason i got it on disc, so i could install from disc. is there anything i can do?
Well, got it today and how many games have I played? None.

Can't get into a single online game, can play it with friends if they invite me to a zombies game but that's it, anything else and it doesn't work. Can't even see games in the server browser. Also had plenty of CTD's.

Giving it a couple of days and if it isn't fixed then I'll be getting a refund. Makes me regret coming back to the game after not buying MW2.

I don't mind a few bugs on release day but come on, these are just fundamental **** ups that just prove they ported it and couldn't be arsed to test it.
@AWPC - I really hope it's not as bad as you describe. If this game is anything like MOH MP sniper camping then it will not last long. I can deal with glitchy servers and game play, however campers do my head in.

Unoptimised drivers..... probably.

Wait for new AMD / Nvidia drivers...

I'd doubt it's unoptomised drivers considering this engine was coded by Jesus.
I would like to join in the Steam bashing.

I went to a shop and bought a proper, actual retail copy of this game. I got home, installed it and went to play.

'The steam servers are too busy to handle your request. Please try again later'.

I'm sorry? I want to play a SINGLE PLAYER game which I have bought PHYSICAL MEDIA for and... I cant?

Did any of you realy expect anything better? I mean its release day on a game that requires steam, is this not what everyone has come to expect by now? Just be patient.
guys when installing from the CD, it gave me an installscrpit error. so googled, and activated the key, and then tried to install again, it went past the stage of the error, but its not trying to install from steam servers, WTF. i only have a 5Mb connection, so its taking a good few hours, and thats the reason i got it on disc, so i could install from disc. is there anything i can do?

This happened to me when installing on another comp, when I got to the part where you enter the cd key, steam said it was already activated and that all I needed to do was play from the library.

Which I proceeded to do but it started to download (8gig) from steam. Long story short, I quit the download process, kept steam opened and started the installer from the disk again and it did so.

Hopefully yours will do the same.
Can anyone tell me whats wrong ? i cant get into a zombie match i get to the lobby and the game timer hits 0 then it goes back to main menu saying part no longer avalaible??? :(
[TW]Fox;17753115 said:
I would like to join in the Steam bashing.

I went to a shop and bought a proper, actual retail copy of this game. I got home, installed it and went to play.

'The steam servers are too busy to handle your request. Please try again later'.

I'm sorry? I want to play a SINGLE PLAYER game which I have bought PHYSICAL MEDIA for and... I cant?


I find that outrageous :mad: omg seriously get a refund .
Luckily I missed all these troubles since I was away all day, but apart from one turn off from the server (in which I had a cup of tea) I've been having a blast.

The game feels a lot like CoD4, but with the added bonus of having loads of stuff

loving it atm.
Anyone know the difference in paying in $ to £ on D2D?

My discount only works on the US currency, this doesn't mean I'll get a stupid US version does it? :confused:
[TW]Fox;17753115 said:
I would like to join in the Steam bashing.

I went to a shop and bought a proper, actual retail copy of this game. I got home, installed it and went to play.

'The steam servers are too busy to handle your request. Please try again later'.

I'm sorry? I want to play a SINGLE PLAYER game which I have bought PHYSICAL MEDIA for and... I cant?


In exactly the same boat, absolutely pathetic. I only want to play the single player, retards.

EDIT: Installing now, took me 8 attempts of "Reinstalling" to get past though.
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Anybody else having issues playing with their class setups? Everytime I exit the class setup screen it hangs at 'downloading game data'
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