COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

I don't see why people are coming into this thread to say "This game sucks, just like the others, I'm going to play blah blah instead because it's so much better derp derp derp"

Do people seriously waste time coming into this thread just to have a cheap dig. Sad.

Either way SP is awesome, totally loving it. I can get onto MP servers ok most of the time, but suffering from the 1-3second freezes which is annoying but its actually still enjoyable. Once it's been sorted it's going to be great fun.
Eugh, it started to work great, then it hung on downloading game data or whatever it does when exiting class screen, had to kill process, now perma-hang on fetching stats.

Shame really, with the exception of one AWFUL AWFUL FAIL of a map, the game is pretty damn balanced and actually a significant improvement over the splashfest lameness of MW2.
Gonna have to go have a look at the treyarch forums, im sure it wil be full of happy posts...:D If they havn't burned down by now.
lol been playing most of day few odd things but day one theres always few bugs.

running like a dream no lag :cool: nealry had a ton on one map :p 99 = fail
Been playing a bit of MW2 as well, and thought how much nicer the map loading screens are - they are colourful and professional looking, compare to Black Ops where they are all grey and washed out for some reason. Someone at Treyarch obviously thinks it looks good but I don't.


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