COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

wow, as simple as that eh.

For a lot of people, apparently it is.

I can't see it myself. If it were just this one problem, then everyone would be having the same experience, but that's not the case.

Seems there are three groups of people here.
1. Game plays fine.
2. Game is laggy.
3. Game is laggy and stuttery and near unplayable.

I fall into the 3rd group for MP and somewhere between 1 and 2 for SP. (With E6850 @ 3.8Ghz, 4GB RAM and 5850)
the game itself or just because it doesnt work well?
(havnt bought it yet so dont know myself)

Low frame rates , Heavily Scripted , Average Graphics in certain areas , shooter on rails , brings nothing new to the table. Haven't played mp yet . From the very first mission of medal of honour i was enjoying it and all the way through , but this game is doing nothing for me. :( , not supprised really it is activision

Also if you do anything other than what the mission tells you to do the mission will end , go gun ho ahead of your team mates and you'll get " Your actions killed your team mates ". Even though they didn't die nor did you! , i've also seen them just stand there while you get shot to buggery
Low frame rates , Heavily Scripted , Average Graphics in certain areas , shooter on rails , brings nothing new to the table. Haven't played mp yet

From the very first mission of medal of honour i was enjoying it and all the way through , but this game is doing nothing for me. :( , not supprised really it is activision

Nah its not activision but Treyarch.

Remeber Activision where behind COD4 and that turned everything it touched in to gold.

I said it above. Despite MW2 selling stupid amounts, the game has caused the COD franchise to lose a lot of momentum, which has allowed the Battlefield series to catch up.... Dice expect to be the No1 FPS franchise once BF3 hits the selfs.

The COD series is in trouble. Graphics from the 2007 era, locked in to Dx9, gameplay that hasnt moved on for about 3 years.

If MW2 was exactly like COD4 just new maps some new guns, and even some of the MW2 killstreaks, they would have made an absolute killer of a game.

Instead, they gimped the game, consolized it, sold crap loads, but once people realised they purchased a dud, game over.

People thought they where buying COD4.5 when they bought MW2, but of course it was an epic fail. Especially for the high caliber that COD games are! (Where in this case)
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It's a bit of a joke really isn't it? It's like having the physical media, trying to run it and having some fat kid Ctrl+Alt+Del saying "Nope, sorry, access denied" and ending the process everytime you try to play.

I know I was tempted to rage quit the install :p

Now after a full nights worth of play and experiencing a wide variety of servers, I quite enjoy the game. The lag decreased throughout the night which is strange but became very nice and smooth (OMG!) around 1am :p

The run/dive/prone thing is rather annoying. The amount of people dolphin diving is ridiculous, it was like it has been encouraged with these controls!

Anyways I have found the hilarious combo of FAMAS/flamethrower and RPG, rjk will tell you a lot about the pros/cons and general efffectivness about this.

Im really annoyed my tescos entertainment order still hasnt come and my friend at work who also ordered from them (although a week after my order) got his this morning

i7 920 D0. XFX 5870. Full graphics and I get minor lag. I still play MP as I can just about handle it. Will be much better once a fix is added.

Try smaller servers and see if it helps anyone...
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