COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

I want to play this properly, as I really love the SP experience of any COD game, but the stutter crap (with all the fixes tried) is totally not worth it. Wish I had another PC to test it on, but this just gives me all the more excuse to build a new rig for Christmas - even though most of the lag is probably caused by bugs. :p

Either I wait for them to iron out the bugs, or I buy the 360 version and enjoy trying to play a FPS with a controller *shudders*
My Tesco copy arrived this morning. Decisions, decisions - return or install? I'm tempted to return it as the silence from Activision, Treyarch and the mainstream press on this issue has been deafening. If I knew of an ETA for the fix, or even some solid info as to why it's not working I'd be happier.
Is taht technically spraying?! :p

prolly but its a laugh :p ballistic knifes from half a map when you get them are the dogs and often causes big rage ups :D my mate kept getting me with remote car which is also very good laugh.

best thing to do if playing with a group if you have problems playing together . one of you jopin a server then you send a invite when in game the others just hit f10 you join instantly withfriends. this is same with zombie which seems to be a lot harder and the maps for zombies are quite big compared
Can anyone explain to me why in hardcore matches, you need to wait so long to respawn? It is the same in MW2. Yet COD4 did not suffer from this and I can't see the point of it? Sometimes the respawn wait can be 15 seconds! It breaks up the action, if I wanted to sit watching other people play I'd play Counterstrike ;)

I think it's supposed to make you be more careful about dieing :P It is supposed to be more realistic afterall.
My Tesco copy arrived this morning. Decisions, decisions - return or install? I'm tempted to return it as the silence from Activision, Treyarch and the mainstream press on this issue has been deafening. If I knew of an ETA for the fix, or even some solid info as to why it's not working I'd be happier.

Im in two minds about what to do too!

My delivery from tescos has not come yet (hopefully will today) And im going to leave it in its wrapper untill a fix is confirmed. If nothing happens anytime soon i am going to return it.
That knife is probably one of the biggest pieces of bs in this game, and has been since they introduced that incredibly sad melee insta kill attack...
my fps freezes and fps prob have gone now but left with really bad lag stuttering which is so annoying its nearly 100% playable lmao its a joke really !!!
Another thing they've changed for the worse IMO, although others will no doubt disagree if they don't like noob tubers. You can have two attachments like with Bling, but you not if you use the grenade launcher. So you can't have tube and a red dot sight any more. Only one or the other. What is the point of that? It doesn't stop tubers, it just means there is less customisation, not more as they promised!

Speaking of customisation, you can choose a few different images for your player card (although these are poor compared to the great ones in MW2 which had funny titles to go with them) but most of the time during matches, these don't work and everyone's player card is just grey!
Just so you know they have limited results in the in game server browser to a few hundred servers to stop it overloading. Leaving most people unable to find their own servers!
:D great design there. Especially when you can't add a favourite by IP address.
funny tho.....

Servers Crashing every half hour, lag spikes everywhere, game code wrong, server browser not working correctly, bugs with certain guns.....

SHOCKING ... We all slagged BC2/DICe off..... Yet because its COD nobody is allowed to **** them off or write bad reviews!
browsers have always been buggy . thing is its been out one day :D lets give them chance to fix a few little things before we destroy it.

thing is a lot of the little bugs arnt new and were in cod 4 up until like patch 1.3 but people forget this. im sure well get a few annoying bugs fixed quickly and it will be even better.

at the moment its cool to hate the new games and its easier to say its bad than good.
COD4 has thousands of servers yet the server browser is able to cope, and isn't sluggish and unresponsive like Black Ops's one is. They seem to have reinvented the wheel for no reason and made it worse in the process.
browsers have always been buggy . thing is its been out one day :D lets give them chance to fix a few little things before we destroy it.

thing is a lot of the little bugs arnt new and were in cod 4 up until like patch 1.3 but people forget this. im sure well get a few annoying bugs fixed quickly and it will be even better.

The CoD4 browser works now, why not just use that in Black Ops? Why write a new one from scratch, it doesn't make sense to me.
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