COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Hmm someone told me that the option for multi core threading was disabled in the config file.

Changing seta r_multithreaded_device "0" to:
seta r_multithreaded_device "1" should enable multi core support.

Maybe this helps?
I actually had a few good hours worth of MP gaming yesterday.. Was quite enjoyable and the people on the server weren't bad either (not much whining, just having a good laugh while trying to knife each other and then getting noob tubed! haha) I did get the odd lag spike now and again, but it was still quite playable.

Saying that, im easily pleased! :D

If anyone wants to add me on it, my Steam ID is SenZ.

i think you're beautiful
Hmm someone told me that the option for multi core threading was disabled in the config file.

Changing seta r_multithreaded_device "0" to:
seta r_multithreaded_device "1" should enable multi core support.

Maybe this helps?

Doesn't work for me, I tried it yesterday.
This took ages to install and then update, then finally loaded the game, went into the settings and adjusted them to my taste (High), hit apply and the game locked up, had to CTRL-ATL-DEL to get the taskmanger and kill it...
Reloaded again, check settings and all my settings had saved except 1?
Ran SP, played for 5 minutes tops and the game hung again...... not impressed at all.... the graphics look worse the Medal of Honour, and typical COD, it wont recognise my num 0 key for Crouch??? dumb ass software.
Gonna check my ATI drivers tomight to see if they are at fault, though they fan MoH fine.

Turn numlock off, then bind the num0 key, then turn numlock back on.

When you change anything give it more time to respond. I made the same mistake, if you wait it should start up again.
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Hardcore is a lot of fun. Still laggy today though. Any fave weapons so far?

I just got a Galil silenced. Looking forward to the AK47 tbh :D
It's a spamfest. There doesn't seem to be any maps for snipers at all. Nothing with wide open spaces as well as chokepoints like Wasteland. SHame, as I was looking forward to using the Accuracy International rifle :(
Can anyone explain to me why in hardcore matches, you need to wait so long to respawn? It is the same in MW2. Yet COD4 did not suffer from this and I can't see the point of it? Sometimes the respawn wait can be 15 seconds! It breaks up the action, if I wanted to sit watching other people play I'd play Counterstrike ;)
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