COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

I played through a bit of it last night and to me it's really linear. I usually like more scripted first persons as it makes them more interesting. However, this is almost on rails and also the graphics are nice in areas but other times it's really sloppy.

I dunno, maybe I'm getting old and this kind of game isn't as much fun any more but it's like playing a Benny Hill FPS on rails to me.

I'm enjoying it enough that I'm going to continue playing but not sure if I'll finish it yet, hopefully the MP side will be more fun to get my £40 worth.
What button combination breaks you free from the chair on PC?

If you have a controller plugged in, the left/right trigger buttons will do it. After mashing buttons with no luck I grabbed my xbox controller and did it that way.
Well i'm finding it alright atm, generally at the top of the scoreboard but my few niggles so far are:

smg's definitely need balancing, seen far too many people just spraying with the mp5 whilst running and killing everything in their path.

shotguns should do more damage as atm they are useless unless you're lucky (i only use a shotgun atm and frankly sometimes having to fire more than 1 round within 3 ft is a bit of a p***take (no i don't suck as i said i'm at/near the top in most of my matches :p)

autoaim with melee should be taken out (the fact that it's an instant kill already and if you combine it with lightweight and marathon means you can just sprint around the map killing people at your leisure just seems a bit ott(this should explain my point, pistol vs knife in this game is no contest surely guns at close range (especially shotguns) should be pretty devastating compared to a knife?)

/rant off
the game itself or just because it doesnt work well?
(havnt bought it yet so dont know myself)

nothing wrong with the game

if you liked any of the others you will like this
just has afew teething problems which is expected with the amount of people trying to play the game

you shouldn't really listen to the people complaining in the thread they are just trolls :)

like i said before if you like the previous CoD games you will like this its no worse
Just got my first attack dogs kill streak, not as good as the gunner pilot I guess. But it also doesn't leave you vulnerable on the ground.

Btw, crossbow = Amazing, really hard to get used to though
whats the fix for a blank server browser ? i was playing earlier with nps , now i just get a blank screen :(

ah and can you not pick up your own claymores on the pc version ? you can on xbox , thought that was a decent feature
I've never played such a badly implemented game. There are so many little and large points I could write a grand on it.

At the first mission if you shoot the guard before it says to kill him it says

" Your actions caused your team mates to be killed "

If you shoot the window

" Your actions caused your team mates to be killed "

If you throw a grenade , kill the guy and you and your mean survive while nobody notices you

" Your actions caused your team mates to be killed "

But my actions DID NOT CAUSE MY TEAM MATES TO BE KILLED :mad::mad: , i'd love to throw a grenade at the developers of this retarded rail/scripted pos
Just spoke with Alex G., he seems to indicate that the source of the lag might be with the GamerServer server config.

Issue is with the sv_maxrate, currently on all servers it is set to 5000 (because of consoles I would assume) it should be set to around 25000 for PC.

Therefore most pc users are finding a poor online expierience.

I have been on with gameservers all day and their tech team.

We tested the different rate on our server as a fix (via the tech team) and guess what, absolutely perfect.

I don't even ....
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