COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

I can confirm that setting Steam priority to low and BlackOps to High gets rid of most, if not all, the lag in SP mode.

However I still lag like crazy in MP mode. How long does it take to put out a fix to alter a server file? Utter rubbish.
I can confirm that setting Steam priority to low and BlackOps to High gets rid of most, if not all, the lag in SP mode.

However I still lag like crazy in MP mode. How long does it take to put out a fix to alter a server file? Utter rubbish.

Especially if it's the server file fix I posted just above yours.

That is utterly appalling if true.
However I still lag like crazy in MP mode. How long does it take to put out a fix to alter a server file? Utter rubbish.

just reading someones post on steams forum and he said it will be about 2 weeks before they might release a fix not a patch just a fix to try and help it

i dont no how anyone can play this the way it is in MP at the minute,pure crap it is,just hope they sort it
When you quit the single player campaign, before it lets you exit the game you have to sit through a quick 'trailer' of various action scenes in the game. I think this is really cheap - I've already bought the game so I don't need a trailer to convince me of its merits!? And supposing I had avoided all spoilers before playing it (as I did with MW and MW2), then in the game itself there is a trailer which you can't avoid!

The cutscenes in the SP are annoying as hell - lengthy, tedious and unskippable. Well some of them you can skip if you press the right button at the right time. Don't press it quick enough and the option to skip goes away. But other scenes like listening to Reznov rambling on about boring crap - you can't skip those at all.

I think Treyarch have little idea how to make a coherent, exciting, involving SP campaign.

I expected a game about 'black ops' to be about covert missions, special forces, behind enemy lines, that sort of thing. Instead it's run and gun, full frontal assault, taking on hundreds of enemies head on, Rambo or Terminator style :rolleyes:
I think Treyarch have little idea how to make a coherent, exciting, involving SP campaign.

This ^

I'm going to uninstall it without even finishing it as i'm only on the first mission and already i want to hit someone other than in the game! :mad:

EDIT : Uninstalled
From all the negative comments sounds like this game is a bit of a fail?

Some one told me its like a cross between WAW & MW2. Thats sound terrible to me. MW2 was epic fail, and WAW I returned to the shop for a refund.
It's more like World at War 2. It has one of the main characters from World at War (Reznov) and one of the levels I've just got to is set in 1945 :/
I love the sheer number of drama queens that come out whenever a major release is anything bar perfect :D. It's hilarious.

For the record I have no perceivable issues with the game :). Quite enjoying it actually, despite being called a hacker last night :D. The hilarious part is he couldn't have been more wrong :D.
Damn people on this forum whine to much.

@ Neil79, you paid £30 - £40 for a game to play 5 mins of the game and now your uninstalling it :s Its not far off mw1 and mw2 in terms in single player imo, not as good but still similar experience. If your dieing a lot, lower the difficulty. Cod sp is cod sp, always been the same always will be. Why you would buy it only for the single player i don't know, that seems pretty stupid.

I'd say this game isn't very similar to WAW. Its closer to mw2 but imo its better than mw2. Some people have lag issues. I did at first but its gone now (i suspect people played for the first 5 mins, it lagged and now refuse to play it again, but still go on about all the lag and problems)
Published by Activision , Developed by Treyarch?


There are two devs involved withthe COD franchise. Infinity Ward and Treyarch.

All the best AAA COD's have been by Infinity ward: COD2, COD4 and MW2

COD1, inm not sure, but COD3 which was crap and on the consoles and WAW (which I personally didnt like) where by Treyarch.

They alternate each year. So this year its another Treyarch game and by the sounds of it you can tell!
I love the sheer number of drama queens that come out whenever a major release is anything bar perfect :D. It's hilarious.

For the record I have no perceivable issues with the game :). Quite enjoying it actually, .

This game is nowhere near perfect. I wouldn't cvall not being able to play the SP or MP being a drama queen. We paid money for a game we should be able to play.

But hey, you're okay so we're all just drama queens...

There are two devs involved withthe COD franchise. Infinity Ward and Treyarch.

All the best AAA COD's have been by Infinity ward: COD2, COD4 and MW2

COD1, inm not sure, but COD3 which was crap and on the consoles and WAW (which I personally didnt like) where by Treyarch.

They alternate each year. So this year its another Treyarch game and by the sounds of it you can tell!

You're not sure?!?!!?! for its time it was epic.. spawned the rest of the series for a start! COD2 was also epicness. They are like fathers who have become ashamed of their kids with the new generations of the game.
Ive only played the first couple of levels on single player, but i thought they were pretty good, usual COD stuff, loads of explosions, quite exciting, im happy with the single player side, im staying away from multi player until the lag is fixed.

There are two devs involved withthe COD franchise. Infinity Ward and Treyarch.

All the best AAA COD's have been by Infinity ward: COD2, COD4 and MW2

COD1, inm not sure, but COD3 which was crap and on the consoles and WAW (which I personally didnt like) where by Treyarch.

They alternate each year. So this year its another Treyarch game and by the sounds of it you can tell!

I disagree. I think Treyarch have always made the better COD games. COD 4 was good for around two weeks and got boring. MW2 was just a horrible game, one big unbalanced noob fest.
Seriously I am jealous of all of you that manage to run the game and somehow enjoy it. My game runs crap all the time, even during menus, constant freezes and massive lag just if I was running the game on some computer from 10 years ago, changing everything to low and resolution to some from the year 1999 doesn't help either.

I'm seriously going to pirate pc games soon before I buy anything.
I disagree. I think Treyarch have always made the better COD games. COD 4 was good for around two weeks and got boring. MW2 was just a horrible game, one big unbalanced noob fest.

Each to his own.

But do you really not agree that COD4 was the single best COD game ever...

Epicness! The mp was spot on. Everything the PC community could hope for.

Backed up by vintage old school gun play.

But yea it wa MW2 that screwed the series up. Even Treyarch are basically trying to improve upon something that nose dived horribly. In that sense you got to feel sorry for them.
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