COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Damn people on this forum whine to much.

@ Neil79, you paid £30 - £40 for a game to play 5 mins of the game and now your uninstalling it :s Its not far off mw1 and mw2 in terms in single player imo, not as good but still similar experience. If your dieing a lot, lower the difficulty. Cod sp is cod sp, always been the same always will be. Why you would buy it only for the single player i don't know, that seems pretty stupid.

5mins? :p , i got to the part where you slide down on zip lines and go to kill that bloke on the radio. But even before then i really disliked it , i wasn't dieing a lot i hadn't died at all!. It was the game script kicking in telling me i killed my entire team because i didn't follow it's set rail pathway :(.
Personally I think Treyarch have upped their game here with the single player, it's the best SP COD experience I've had so far. (I didn't buy MW2 so can't comment on that one).

I can't comment on the MP as I haven't played it yet.
5mins? :p , i got to the part where you slide down on zip lines and go to kill that bloke on the radio. But even before then i really disliked it , i wasn't dieing a lot i hadn't died at all!. It was the game script kicking in telling me i killed my entire team because i didn't follow it's set rail pathway :(.

I must admit from your above post that to buy a cod game based on single player alone seems a bit derp to me ....

Ive yet to play the SP, although i always enjoy them. Yes thats right every single one. Its mindless gun fun which is a nice escape from most "serious" games.

It brings nothing new to the genre, but then what does these days?
I must admit from your above post that to buy a cod game based on single player alone seems a bit derp to me ....

I bought medal of honour for the sp and i REALLY REALLY enjoyed it , i bought a number of other cod games and REALLY enjoyed them. But this is the Worst COD i have ever played. The only DERP moment i had is actually wasting any money on this at all
This is actually the worst game I've ever played. If they fix the issues, it could become one of the best.

Only with PC games can a company sell a half-finished product and get away with it.

Note the rage red above. Thank you.
Just got this delivered today. Getting freezing, crash and lag issues. Same as everyone else I guess..Cheers Treyarch :p
I love the sheer number of drama queens that come out whenever a major release is anything bar perfect :D

im not asking it to be perfect all i want is to play the game without a lot of lag and stuttering in MP and if im a drama queen because its unplayable at the minute well so be it,they have had a year i think to do this so is it to much to sort MP out before they release it :confused:
Just had a quick game;


Can't wait for them to fix the lag! ;)
Any news of a patch yet? or has one already been rolled out?

Seems like one might not even be needed, just a server fix.

Just spoke with Alex G., he seems to indicate that the source of the lag might be with the GamerServer server config.

Issue is with the sv_maxrate, currently on all servers it is set to 5000 (because of consoles I would assume) it should be set to around 25000 for PC.

Therefore most pc users are finding a poor online expierience.

I have been on with gameservers all day and their tech team.

We tested the different rate on our server as a fix (via the tech team) and guess what, absolutely perfect.
If the server fix is true, great, but that still doesn't change the fact that the game needs patched. Even the menu lag is starting to annoy me now.
I don't get what problems people are having :p managed to play both SP and MP without a single issue at all :/

maybe im just a lucky git!
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