bf1 is not bad but its boring very quickly.i would rather have a good cod ww2 from yesteryear than a Dice one.why ? because they always make buggy games with slowish animations.exactly the opposite of what most want.

dont think they will make this game great though all the good people that made cod games arent there anymore.
I'm not getting my hopes up. I played Call of Duty 1 & 2 a lot and I don't think they will capture the raw elements I liked from the originals.
It's going to be complete gash.

At its very best it will be world at war/ black ops again.

More likely it's just going to be a reskinned version of infinity. Which was frankly bs.
I have 5 mins on mp

There's never going to be dedicated servers so it's irrelevant.

FPS gaming has gone so far since the original call of duties.

I wanna know what ever happed to day of defeat source. That was at the time freaking beautiful and awesome..... Nothing will recapture that game.
I hope it's treyarchs turn.....
and if we could move away from this "everything must be semi automatic/fully automatic with a red dot regardless of any historical basis" would be nice.

although that's not gonna happen, i can forgive bf1 for cheating history because lets face it a bolt action and 100 rounds would get a bit samey after 10 minutes.

i did hear only snipers can equip bolt actions in bf1? lol

tbh a spanish civil war or koreon war might be more interesting than a rehash of ww2 yet again, with a more complex storyline/narrative than "those guys are bad shoot them"
Hope its better than the bf2142 Gibraltar map that was basically Eastern Beach and that's it.:eek::D

But its got potential to be a good map with the tunnel network. A Metro for cod?:D

One of my workmates created a (albeit basic) racing game on the Unity engine and some GIS data/maps/textures he "aquired" from work. An FPS map based around Gibraltar has so much potential, like you say there's tunnels, beaches, cliffs, town, runway, sea...
I do find it funny how gamers complain about how games stay the same and get samey but when they do change complain they want it back to how it was. :p I haven't played or even bothered with a COD game in years, I'm looking forward to what they come up with.
i did hear only snipers can equip bolt actions in bf1? lol

tbh a spanish civil war or koreon war might be more interesting than a rehash of ww2 yet again, with a more complex storyline/narrative than "those guys are bad shoot them"

yeah, there was a surprising number of guns that bf1 would have you beleive were common issue yet very few existed. and ironically despite it being packed full of developmental semi auto rifles that never would have seen frontline combat they missed out the one and only self loading infantry rifle that actually was fielded in decent numbers.

and dont get me started on the body armour which they'd have you beleive is proof against basically any weapon at any range.

now i get why they did it- a realistic portrayal of ww1 would have been better titled "stand in a trench for 3 weeks before going over the top and getting mowed down in 30s by a machine gun simulator 2016"
Ive stopped buying this annual garbage now. Happy to scour the indi games for something thats actually got some game play in it. Its just going to be a reskin of last years FPS
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