I had the Amiga 500 "10 star" pack from Silica systems. I loved that to death. I think I got it in 1988. It came with Kickstart 1.3, and the first game I bought for it (yes, bought, I know!), Double Dragon 2, didn't work with 1.3, only 1.2. D'oh! Though I didn't say "D'oh!" as the Simpsons wouldn't exist for a few more years.
For joysticks, I used to like the Cruiser and of course, the Competition Pro. Though I did try a Zip Stick once and that was also ace.
Later on we got an A1200, which I still have and it still works. It was bought from Trilogic in Bradford, where they shoehorned a 210MB 3.5" IDE HDD into it. Having a hard disk was a revelation. I used to love ripping the music mods out of anything I could, then playing them back on Eagleplayer. I nearly died when I pulled the tune out of Chuck Rock and converted it from ProRunner2 (or some other mod compressor) back to a standard protracker mod. At some point later I ended up getting a 68030 accelerator, which is still in the 1200. I think that came from Gordon Harwood, though I have no recollection if I bought it or my parents did. If they bought it, I'd love to know how I talked them into it.
I spent my first year online (1996) using the Amiga to do email, FTP (Aminet was a gold mine), web browsing and IRC.