Mine plays fine - Max settings, no crashes, no bomb-outs for hours, not even any visible slowdown (plays almost as well as CoH1, which I've got over 2000 hours plugged at high level automatch so I'd notice the difference :p).

I've only got a single 6970 2g & an i-5 2500k (clocked at 4.6 ghz) - (with old ATI drivers as I can't be bothered updating them).
I still get emails from THQ saying I'm invited to the Alpha Stress Test for COH2. Shame that it finished last year :D
No idea how to stop them though, get about 1 a month or so.

I have the same thing! Got one yesterday from THQ inviting me to the apha stress test. I guess someone forgot to turn off the automailer before they left :p
i had this twice on single player but it only crashes when i try to save the game, first crashes i had.

Finished this game over the weekend, but I too had crashes when trying to save the game on mission 11, which, when looking at the developer's forum, seems to be a common problem
Ok, well it isn't lag I'm getting, it's down to the lastest bunch of Geforce drivers (i think) which causes the game to hang for 5-10 seconds every now and then; which then eventually lags everyone else when playing multiplayer.

Will try 310.XX drivers and see how I get on, I had the issues ever since steam told me my gfx drivers were out of date for the game...
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ok bare with me here....

So just getting to grips with this finally no crashes :) Playing a game with 2 allies against 3 cpu opponents. After 20 minutes, we are getting the upper hand. The game then quits to desktop and updates! Why when all 3 players are obviously at the same 'issue' of game, can't it update once the game has finished? I've had 6 various updates in the past 3 days! Yes for the record, I REALL DO HATE STEAM!..........

Rant over ;)
Personally I have given up on the crash fest, I asked a few pages back did anyone else have similar issues and all I got was nope nope nope. I'm actually glad I'm not the only one that bought this broken joke
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