**COMPETITION** Do you want to be a goat?

And I'm just pointing out that I didn't expect threats of a permaban, or even a mod edit for a hilarious, not even slightly offensive curse.

I can understand banning people who use the 'F' word every other word, but not one, very topical, hilarious picture.

Seems a bit OTT for me, as someone who runs a forum.

OK, let me explain something, you seem to have misunderstood me.

Nobody threatened to permaban you.

You said "rules are there to be broken"

I replied with "Carry on then my friend. I will start taking bets to see if you reach 100 posts before a perma ban"

Meaning if you kept breaking the forum rules you would eventually get banned.

Nobody threatened to ban you over your picture :)

Will you two stop bleating please? Like a couple of kids.
All the goats he had had had had no effect on the fact that the kids he had had had had little to no chance of winning this competition.
I want to be a goat, and headbut a human in the nuts..

I want to know what that goat experienced when it happened to me when I was about 13.. I want to know what pleasure it got out of it on that lovely summers day.

Then I want to pretend to be that goat, and jump off a large structure! Damn thing.
Will you two stop bleating please? Like a couple of kids.

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Well, someone has to nanny you lot!

Yes I'm milking this as much as possible!

(and some people seem to be getting goats and sheep mixed up :p)

Yeah it was a bit tenuous, troll worthy even. Water under the bridge now though.

Off to get a drink, voice is a bit gruff.

When I was a baby my mum asked my dad to mow the lawn, he said no so she said get a goat then. So he did lmao. It was called cleo, it head butted me once when I was little. Now I have a friend who called her daughter cleo it just reminds me of our goat.

My dad always calls my nan nanny goat as well and when we went over for Xmas dinner last year he took her a box with some turf in. She loved it.
A permaban for trying to be entertaining with 1 mild curse word, for someone who answers more questions addressed to the OCUK Twitter than OCUK themselves, just to help out.

Yeah, go ahead...

Yes a lot of people find it a little strange to totally ban swearing, however ther former owner and founder of these forums felt he did not want his forums littered with swear words so he imposed a swearing ban.
Most people just accept this. Personally I like being able to read a forum without constant swearing, besides this is a family forum.
People have been banned for constant swearing. :p :)
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