**COMPETITION** Do you want to be a goat?

Never has this been more true:

Some of the replies in this thread are really baaaaad. In fact, I'd go as far as to say you guys goat no chance.

Following on from the success of Compare The Market's "CompareTheMeerkat" advertising campaign, GoCompare decided to ditch the opera singer and jump on the "cute animal" bandwagon with their own version:


I wonder if this game will have any DLC? might wait for the Go(a)TY release... :p
OK, carry on my friend. I will start taking bets to see if you reach 100 posts before a permaban! :p

A permaban for trying to be entertaining with 1 mild curse word, for someone who answers more questions addressed to the OCUK Twitter than OCUK themselves, just to help out.

Yeah, go ahead...

POST A PHOTO OF YOURSELF ON ALL FOURS PRETENDING TO BE A GOAT, WITH A LOAF OF BREAD IN THE PHOTO! First one to do this wins a code instantly! (No Photoshops, it has to be a genuine photo of you!)

You are aware that not all of us actually have a personal portfolio of such pictures?
Whoah dude. Calm down. Forum rules are forum rules. :eek:

I am just pointing them out to you, no need to get mad :)

And I'm just pointing out that I didn't expect threats of a permaban, or even a mod edit for a hilarious, not even slightly offensive curse.

I can understand banning people who use the 'F' word every other word, but not one, very topical, hilarious picture.

Seems a bit OTT for me, as someone who runs a forum.
And I'm just pointing out that I didn't expect threats of a permaban, or even a mod edit for a hilarious, not even slightly offensive curse.

I can understand banning people who use the 'F' word every other word, but not one, very topical, hilarious picture.

Seems a bit OTT for me, as someone who runs a forum.

OK, let me explain something, you seem to have misunderstood me.

Nobody threatened to permaban you.

You said "rules are there to be broken"

I replied with "Carry on then my friend. I will start taking bets to see if you reach 100 posts before a perma ban"

Meaning if you kept breaking the forum rules you would eventually get banned.

Nobody threatened to ban you over your picture :)
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