I would be inclined to say the rules apply to persons who suggest buying the product elsewhere.
Basically yes.
But you do realise that sharing info on cheap gaming deals is only helping to sell hardware here at OcUK and that we always recommend buying stuff here because we know the benefits of dealing with the next delivery service, having support of other members if issues arise and being able to use your before and after sales Customer Service.
On the other hand, with games you don't benefit from any of that and if your business (or to better wrap it up in words, your employers' business) is going to sell any games to the forum members, they must be competitive price-wise.
Hardware isn't even Amazon's primary business and I don't think anyone looks for it over there. Most people would probably use one of the alternatives your shop is following on Twitter IMO.
I hope not.
The 10 days summer sale thread was awsomesauce.
I know you're in a hard position here as you're a part of this community but moreover, you're an OcUK employee.
If you do however feel like helping us out, bring the specific issue up of PC Gaming deals to whomever is responsible for the financial side of the business and raise the issue of PC Gaming deals improving OcUK sales in general.
Anyone who buys a hardware heavy game and wants some advice on an upgrade, gets a list of components that he or she can purchase from your store.
Nobody is gonna look for games in your store though as:
a) you're not competitive price-wise
b) you don't advertise them enough
c) your range is somewhat laughable
d) don't have enough stock
It doesn't matter if people know of other etailers or not, you surely are not one of the places to look out for bargains and that is something you can't argue with.
OcUK must realise that you stock less games than a private ebay seller!
Don't get me wrong, I agree. I just think one to Neil should be expected as the least thing, holding him to ransom was just wrong imo.
It was kind of pathetic and you'd expect this kind of a behaviour from an underaged moderator of a private forum but certainly not from a medium of the largest computer hardware e-tailer in the UK.
You must remember that valkie was under a great pressure here, though, and maybe he just followed orders and did his job.
He did it badly but I doubt we will find out the whole truth about this story anyway.
How hard is it to just take on board the S storm that has happened have a word with him and get to come and give an apology. We dont want the guy fired or anything but what we dont expect or think should happen as you all just go tra la la la as if nothing happened as that would just be making us look like fools.
I hope OcUK HQ don't find the latter option as the way of keeping it cool.
It certainly wouldn't help any problems that arised.