Confirmed: Windows Blue Will Be Free, to Be Called 8.1

Did you just keep trying over and over?

No it sat there on pending for a moment then when I went back and checked it was downloading, bear in mind this is my home pc which installed the update download without and fiddling. Just going to try the manual update extract method on my work laptop.
This is what I get when I click download (well I assume it says download lol)

This is where I'm at

EDIT: Hmm the download bar had started moving along but its gone back to pending :(

EDIT2: Ok just done the trick to force the msu package install on my work laptop and I get the same screen as EDDS, it says "Store - The Windows 8.1 Preview isn't available right now. Please try again later."
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Ironic thing is if it would actually let me start downloading I'd be done in a matter of minutes on my 120mb connection...
I'm running 8.1 on my main PC now, didn't need to mess about.
I installed my OS as EN-US, so I assume that's why.

I did the same with my Laptop, so I bet that'll work fine too.

My Surface however keeps bringing up the "Not available" error.
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