Confirmed: Windows Blue Will Be Free, to Be Called 8.1

Large icons, fonts and increased whitespace are there to support touch input.

Exactly. Any person who uses a workstation to do anything apart from flicking a few colourful pics around and to check their emails and the weather, oh and don't forget to "consume media", will want to axe their arms off by the end of the day.
Exactly. Any person who uses a workstation to do anything apart from flicking a few colourful pics around and to check their emails and the weather, oh and don't forget to "consume media", will want to axe their arms off by the end of the day.

Highly unlikely.

The two of you seem totally fixated on the Modern UI portion of Windows 8, which is a pathetically small part of the overall OS.

The Windows desktop works exactly as it has for the last 18 years, with the exception that you no longer have a 'classic' start menu. Getting to the Windows desktop currently takes a single click, and when 8.1 comes out it will apparently take no clicks, so if you don't want to use the interface that's designed for the tablet and touchscreen users, nobody's forcing you to. Go to the desktop, open a dozen applications and multi task to your heart's content.
Exactly. Any person who uses a workstation to do anything apart from flicking a few colourful pics around and to check their emails and the weather, oh and don't forget to "consume media", will want to axe their arms off by the end of the day.

But you seem to be chastising metro based on a very selective scenario.

I completely agree that for a desktop user with a large, non-touch screen using a keyboard and mouse, who also requires lots of simultaneous programs running, metro is a not an improvement on the classic windowing system. But this is pretty much the complete opposite of the problem it was designed to solve.

To single out its limitations using a very narrow and hypothetical example is no fairer than somebody else castigating a classic WIMP interface because it performs poorly on a tablet.

With Windows prior to Windows 8 - what did you use your Start Menu for?

I can guess at your answer:

To launch applications.

I don't understand why you are now trying to "use" your Start Menu, when you never used to. You can still use your computer in exactly the same way as you did - you just have some slightly bigger icons to click on to launch an application, needing less precision.

I've been using Windows 8 since launch day, and I can probably count on one hand the number of minutes that I've had the Start Menu on the screen.

I use 3 monitors, and dozens of applications simultaneously, just the same way I've done since Windows NT4. Using the Start Menu simply to launch an additional application.

The improvements in Windows 8 for multi-monitor, such as the taskbar being extended to every monitor with the apps for that monitor, and the "catching" of the mouse when you fling it towards a corner, makes the multi-monitor, desktop experience better than any previous version of Windows.

With Windows prior to Windows 8 - what did you use your Start Menu for?

I can guess at your answer:

To launch applications.

I don't understand why you are now trying to "use" your Start Menu, when you never used to. You can still use your computer in exactly the same way as you did - you just have some slightly bigger icons to click on to launch an application, needing less precision.

I've been using Windows 8 since launch day, and I can probably count on one hand the number of minutes that I've had the Start Menu on the screen.

I use 3 monitors, and dozens of applications simultaneously, just the same way I've done since Windows NT4. Using the Start Menu simply to launch an additional application.

The improvements in Windows 8 for multi-monitor, such as the taskbar being extended to every monitor with the apps for that monitor, and the "catching" of the mouse when you fling it towards a corner, makes the multi-monitor, desktop experience better than any previous version of Windows.

Windows 7: Power off, 2 clicks. Windows 8 Power off, 5 clicks. Not forgetting the absolute pain in the **** off having to hover my high DPI mouse in the corner of my main monitor to access settings. (Windows Key+C helps).

Not forgetting how horrible it is for a new user to use. My mother and sister refuse to buy a new laptop due to the horrendous way Windows 8 makes using a device for new users.

Windows 8 search? For some reason this is separated into Apps, Setting and Files. Making it an absolute pain to actually find something.

The search function is also no longer sorted by alphabetical order, so finding something is once again a pain.

I don't want my full screen taken up with a few massive icons for no good reason. The start menu was perfect for quickly and easily finding an app/program while still having most the the screen available to view.

There are some great uses for Windows 8 and I use it on my PC however, there is NO reason for them to have not included a start menu. Other 3rd party developers added one within days of the prerelease thing.
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Windows 7: Power off, 2 clicks. Windows 8 Power off, 5 clicks. Not forgetting the absolute pain in the **** off having to hover my high DPI mouse in the corner of my main monitor to access settings. (Windows Key+C helps).

It does not take 5 mouse clicks to shut down Windows 8 from the metro environment or the desktop.
It's even easier with W8 to hit the corners of a monitor than it's ever been before.

If you've got 2 monitors side-by-side, throw the mouse to the top (or bottom), then move it along to the corner you want - it'll get caught and not fly into the next monitor.
With more than one monitor it really isn't.

I use multiple monitors and I can't say it requires me to wave the mouse around.

If it really causes you a problem, which I'm not saying it doesn't, then why don't you simply create a shutdown shortcut and pin it to your taskbar?
I think Windows 8 is excellent. I don’t really mind the metro thing and it has some good apps. I never used the start menu much in windows 7 as I pin stuff to the task bar or have desktop short cuts.
I cannot understand why people are so upset about Windows 8, it’s the cheapest MS upgrade ever.
One press of a button to shut down win7 or win8. Anyone who doesn't use the case button either can't acces the case or should learn how to be proffecent.

You can also add power to win+x menu really easily.
With the boot times I don't see why you wouldn't shutdown, unless you mean you leave it on doing something.

no i mean standby, and standby is obviously better than shutting down every time if you want to just carry on as you left it. Plus i have a standby key on my keyboard, no screwing around with power buttons and what not.

I dont see why anyone would use shutdown unless it needed to be done when standby is available.
Am i the only one who doesnt shut down everyday? :confused:

No you're not. I use standby 99% of the time.

Plus i have a standby key on my keyboard, no screwing around with power buttons and what not.


5 if using the keyboard, 3 if you want to spend ages waving your mouse around.


4 for 'waving' - mouse to corner, settings, power, shutdown (and as the first one doesn't require a click, it's technically only 3 clicks)
3 with winkey + i
2 with alt +f4 and OK
1 with power button
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