'Contact lost' with Malaysia Airlines plane

I wouldn't get hung up on the lost / stolen passports. You'd be surprised that this sort of thing is common (within reason). They could simply have been agents from a government organisation.
u wot m8? women are allowed to fly planes? i never knew this and will want to be informed in future what gender my pilot is because there is no way in hell i am being flown by a women, a woman's natural habitat is a kitchen not a cockpit that is like a fish out of water, how is this even legal :confused:

Is this even a joke?
So still no remote trace of the plane. How long would it typically take to properly cover the stretch of water in question?
Right, unless there are super strong currents in play, there must be large wreckage chunks floating around, seats, luggage, bodies, wing, wheels, something. It wouldn't all sink, and wouldn't have all disappeared in one big dive into the ocean. These "experts" take into account gliding distance of a plane at that weight, speed, last course, etc, so would have some very good ideas as to where it may have ended up.

The only other reasonable assumptions from here are that it's been hijacked, dropped below radar, and landed somewhere

The list of "somewheres" must be pretty limited, a 777 needs up to a mile of almost perfectly flat hard surface to land on. I can't imagine that many of those places, in that area, are totally hidden from public view. In fact I can't imagine there are more than a handful of such places in that area in total.
The Brazilian plane incident took IIRC 5 days to find?

The Atlantic ocean is considerably larger than the south China sea

By no stretch of the imagination could that assumption be called 'reasonable'.

So you're saying it's unreasonable that a plane, assumed crashed but with no visual signs of wreckage in a small stretch of ocean (comparatively speaking) has been taken hostage and landed somewhere. That then leaves the only other reasonable assumption, being, vanished....
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Something doesn't seem right with all this.
No debris found. Nothing on the Spy Satellites to show an explosion. Nothing on the seismic/tsunami monitors showing an impact with the seabed. All radio transmissions just cease, no transponders whilst descending, no distress call, no automatic error messages, etc. Two passengers on stolen passports. One Chinese passenger's name redacted. Another dodgy passenger I can't remember the details of. Five passengers didn't make the flight and had their checked-in luggage removed (but it only departed five minutes late!).
Agreed. I'm not one for conspiracy theories, and actually, in a non sick way, I do hope they find a wreckage, less I fear this will literally become a Bermuda Triangle event....
I swear reading your post just made me realize I should be appreciative for my intelligence, in fact reading your post just made me dumb.

What a silly comment I would happily trust them, do you not trust your bus driver to be a mechanic, do you expect everyone driving a car to be a mechanic?

Silly silly silly

hes not silly really. alt of pilots are poorly paid and do not go through as much training as they should be getting as many hours flying as they should.

ive watched a doc about pilots where both have fell asleep and theyve ended up miles off course. a lot of the plane flying these days is automatic. pilots dont even land the plane its done automatically so when it comes a time that they have to, they will struggle. it basically stated that gone are the times where theyre real pilots. taking away the risk of human error puts in a risk of inexperience, and lack of attention span
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