'Contact lost' with Malaysia Airlines plane

:D couldnt help but laugh at the bit about printing lies lol.

If it was a terrorist attack then surely one of the crazy islamist groups would have taken the blame for it.

Guess they still havent found any wreckage of the plane if it has gone down??, bizarre on how it just just 'disappeared' off the radar...surely they would have found some sort of wreckage by now :confused:

theres been porports of door p[arts and toher wreckage sited from search planes
Looks like it was headed towards the mainland, if the wreckage was 50 miles SW of Thochu.

meh pilots are idiots wouldn't trust them at all.

usually if somethings going to kill you it's the pilot, or a supervisor signing off his own maintenance work.

I know it;'s callus but this thing annoys me as it's going to be the only thing the aerosexuals at work are going to bang on about all week.

they cause the majority of plane crashes, a lot of electronics/systems design is focused heavily around stopping pilots from crashing the plane/doing something stupid.

also they;re pilots not that great on the engineering/physical side of tier aircraft beyond their drilled in checks.

do you trust the average lorry driver to be a qualified lorry mechanic?
they cause the majority of plane crashes, a lot of electronics/systems design is focused heavily around stopping pilots from crashing the plane/doing something stupid.

also they;re pilots not that great on the engineering/physical side of tier aircraft beyond their drilled in checks.

do you trust the average lorry driver to be a qualified lorry mechanic?

That's a completely different thing. The checks you mention are to establish if a fault exists with the aircraft. The pilot does not need to be qualified to fix the problem.. only to establish there is a problem and what it is.
I've got a close mate who's an airline pilot. Hes told me some pretty terrify stories about his co-pilots before. Particularly the newer ones not taught to fly with instruments, and when all the fancy computer systems fail, they're clueless.

Not that I'm say all pilots are bad, or that in this case it was pilot error just simply, I've heard some tales that would make you hesitate to get on a plane :)

He had to take control of the plane from his captain once. To stop her flying into a mountain.
Bloody women drivers! :D

u wot m8? women are allowed to fly planes? i never knew this and will want to be informed in future what gender my pilot is because there is no way in hell i am being flown by a women, a woman's natural habitat is a kitchen not a cockpit that is like a fish out of water, how is this even legal :confused:
they cause the majority of plane crashes, a lot of electronics/systems design is focused heavily around stopping pilots from crashing the plane/doing something stupid.

also they;re pilots not that great on the engineering/physical side of tier aircraft beyond their drilled in checks.

do you trust the average lorry driver to be a qualified lorry mechanic?

I swear reading your post just made me realize I should be appreciative for my intelligence, in fact reading your post just made me dumb.

What a silly comment I would happily trust them, do you not trust your bus driver to be a mechanic, do you expect everyone driving a car to be a mechanic?

Silly silly silly
Except for millions & millions of Muslims celebrating a great victory when it happened.

Citation needed (from an actual news source, not a derpy anti-Mooslim site where you seem to get most of your info).

At one point, a young man approached local journalists to ask for the latest news; he said that the airline hadn’t told him anything. One journalist asked him if he was a family member. “Yes – all my family is up there, except for me,” he replied, and burst into tears.

Right, unless there are super strong currents in play, there must be large wreckage chunks floating around, seats, luggage, bodies, wing, wheels, something. It wouldn't all sink, and wouldn't have all disappeared in one big dive into the ocean. These "experts" take into account gliding distance of a plane at that weight, speed, last course, etc, so would have some very good ideas as to where it may have ended up.

The only other reasonable assumptions from here are that it's been hijacked, dropped below radar, and landed somewhere
If they do find out it involved dodgy passports I can't wait for the hurdles that will be put in place at airport security.

Longer queues.
More checks.
More questions.
More expensive passport.

Just to fly to Amsterdam. Yay. It's getting to the point of why bother flying.
Last year passengers were able to board planes more than a billion times without having their passports screened against INTERPOL's databases. As far back as 2002 following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, INTERPOL created its SLTD database to help countries secure their borders and protect their citizens from terrorists and other dangerous criminals known to use fraudulent travel documents.
Since then INTERPOL's database has grown from a few thousand passports and searches to more than 40 million entries and more than 800 million searches per year, averaging 60,000 hits. The US searches this database annually more 250 million times; the UK more than 120 million times and the UAE more than 50 million times.
Unfortunately, few member countries systematically search INTERPOL's databases to determine whether a passenger is using a stolen or lost travel document to board a plane.

Looks like the procedures to detect this sort of thing are executed frequently here. It's other countries where procedures are lapse.
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