'Contact lost' with Malaysia Airlines plane

WARNING: Daily Mail

After three days, wouldn’t the phone batteries be dead by now?
Not necessarily. Smartphones are renowned for their poor battery life and will typically last up to around 24 hours. But the batteries of older phones can last considerably longer.
For example, the Nokia 100 boasts a standby battery life of a staggering 35 days. Smartphone batteries can also last longer if the handset isn’t being used, and especially if the phone is in Flight Mode.
However, if the phone is in Flight Mode, it switches off all wireless activity meaning calls wouldn’t be able to connect, effectively ruling out this theory.

If the phone batteries are dead, wouldn’t the call go straight to voicemail?
In a word, yes. However, the process of sending the call to voicemail can differ depending on the service provider.
For example, the majority of phones will go straight to voicemail, or callers will get an out of service message if voicemail hasn’t been set up.
This will occur even if the phone is underwater, or not near a cell signal.
However, some service providers will ring once or twice before the phone goes to voicemail, or cut off. This may explain the reports that claimed phones rang before seeming to hang up.

Some reports claim the phones are just ringing and ringing though. How is this possible?
Telecoms expert Alan Spencer told MailOnline that if the phones are really ringing, they can categorically not be under the sea.
He added that the phones will only be ringing if they are ‘switched on, not in water, the battery is charged, and [they are] near a mobile cell site.’
This means that if the phones are genuinely ringing, the plane needs to have landed on land – not in the sea – and be in a location where there is cell service, rather than landing in the middle of a jungle, for example.

Why can’t network operators locate the phones?
A number of family members have asked the network operators why they can’t use the phone’s signal to locate the missing people.
Professor William Webb, a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, told MailOnline: ‘The phones definitely won't be working. They'll be underwater, out of coverage and by this time out of battery.
‘So there's absolutely no way they could be used for triangulation.
‘As to why they are ‘ringing’ it'll be the same as if they were out of coverage - in some cases it may ring before going to voicemail.’

What about the T3212 timer I’ve read about?
The T3212 is a timer that causes a phone to periodically send a message to the network saying where it is.
But Professor Webb said this only works when the phone is turned on and it is in coverage. It won't work when the battery is dead.

What about reports that passengers are appearing online, on the QQ social network?
When people sign into social networks including QQ, as well as Facebook, they appear online.
This is the case whether they’ve signed in on a phone, tablet, PC, and laptop.
if missing passengers are shown as online, they may not be using the service on their phone. Instead they may still be logged in on another device.
If this other device shuts down or goes into standby, however, or there is a long period of inactivity, the social network will log them out, which may explain why some accounts went from online to offline over a period of three days.
You really do no research before posting, do you? I suppose the Mirror, the Guardian and the Mail aren't major news sources.

It's like when you said it was ridiculous to make comparisons between this flight and 447 when every single major news source has drawn comparisons.

Sorry let me reiterate.
The daily mail and the other stalwarts of reporting you mention, are not main stream news suppliers in this, the report, not supply, I was referring to a government agency, or an official press release.

Have there be any of those?
I am seeking the, but can't find any in Malay or China, or any of the other countries involved in the searches.

Just because they report someone's sister somewhere rang a phone and it rang, doesn't mean the phone was on the plane, or the phone rang, or she called the right number.

Has it been checked and reported or press released?
You really do no research before posting, do you?

As for research before posting,

Originally Posted by Lysander ...
This Malacca thing is most likely a panic story cooked up from the authorities in the aftermath of a failed [interplanetary] deal since the GCHQ methods were exposed. The result of which was a extra-terrestrial direct threat to human life which was followed up on. Since the threat was carried out and a plane was abducted carrying humans who are now test subjects, a new deal has been struck and the authorities can invent any story they like; any bodies 'discovered' now from the 'crash site' will be the result of cloning.

What is your research and source?
How do we know peoples phones are ringing?

Just because people ringing the numbers are hearing it ring at their end doesn't mean its ringing at the other end.

When I'm abroard I've often been told my phone had rung x10 before i answered it. When it only rang 2-3 times at my end.
So looks like the networks are adding a ring tone whilst searching for the phone before connecting

Can someone provide a summary or an article that describes the timeline of events.
It kinda baffles me how in 2014, a plane can go missing when we have space age tracking devices and GPS.

Just because we can track a buggy on the surface of mars has no bearing on why we cant find a Large passenger plane in a 'relatively' small area
so after 4 days the malaysian military just went " ohh oh well guys we think the plane went the OTHER way, its 700KM THAT way...we think...radar record show it..."

Those that need to know, already know what happened. Those that don't need to know, well, will get a sort of truth story in a few days when they have finished running different scenario's with what can be released to the general public.
This is all very strange, transponders seemingly turned off, reports of the plane then flying off in a different direction, sounds suspiciously like a hijacking that's went wrong.
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