Cooking with Daveyboy - Live Crab

i don't get this 'humane' business either, in this country (and indeed in most 'western' countries) murder/death penalty is illegal, therefore how can any kind of murder in these countries be considered as humane?

it's murder plain and simple, people need to stop dressing it up with fancy words and 'morals' to make them feel better about the food they eat.

either eat meat, learn where it comes from and accept the barbarous way in which animals are kept/treated/killed or or don't eat meat.
I've only ever had crab in a restaurant, and that was only the once.

Well if you had it in a restaurant, you can be pretty sure that they just chucked the live thing in a pan of boiling water.

nout wrong with buying crab in a tin if it's how people like it? Something doesn't have to be 'living' for it to be 'fresh' you know. (obviously not in the tin case as you said)

There's no point though, most stuff in tins (meat, fish) is pretty vile in comparison to the fresher stuff. Besides, I cant imagine that a crab tinning factory bothers using very "humane" methods of killing the crab either, or for that matter any meat or fish products. They're in it for profit, not animal rights.
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Well if you had it in a restaurant, you can be pretty sure that they just chucked the live thing in a pan of boiling water.

I don't have a problem with how people want to cook food, I just said earlier in the thread I personally would not rather do it...however if I had to, then I would.

There's no point though, most stuff in tins (meat, fish) is pretty vile in comparison to the fresher stuff. Besides, I cant imagine that a crab tinning factory bothers using very "humane" methods of killing the crab either.

Whys there no point? No they probably don't, because it's in a tin, it's cooked, then no doubt minced up into set tin's.

I eat tinned tuna, so? I don't have the money to go off fishing, or go to my local bucthers to buy a fresh tuna every time I fancy some.

I had a tuna steak the other day, it was lovely, am I now going to only it tuna in that form because it tastes nice? No.
Here’s how to do it:


Note: Killing lobsters should only be done by, or under the supervision of, a person experienced in the humane slaughter of these animals.

In abnormally low temperatures the nervous systems of lobsters become sluggish and consciousness is lost as the temperature falls. The lobster should therefore be placed in a plastic bag in a deep freeze at minus 20 degrees centigrade for two hours - it will become unconscious and may even die.

As the lobster has a chain of nerve centres length-ways down the centre of its body and tail, a person who knows what s/he is doing can then use a sharp knife or cleaver to make a single cut to split through the animal, from head to the end of the tail down the mid-line - this will destroy the nervous system. The lobster may then be cooked as required.


Note: Killing crabs should only be done by, or under the supervision of, a person experienced in the humane slaughter of these animals.

As these animals have two nerve centres, the 'sticking method' where both nerve centres are destroyed by piercing the shell in the two appropriate locations is considered humane. The crab should then be immediately immersed in deep boiling water.

An electric device to stun and kill certain crustaceans is also in development. After seeing the device being used to kill crabs, the RSPCA is satisfied that this alternative method is more humane than existing killing methods in relation to crabs.

That's the schools hiring incompetent staff then.

Every school I've been to has been fine.

if the teachers are crap then surely the education is crap and then my point stands and yours is flat in it's arse.

but, i can see how you think you might be more correct than a scientifically conducted survey covering a broad spectrum of British children of all ages. :rolleyes:
if the teachers are crap then surely the education is crap and then my point stands and yours is flat in it's arse.

but, i can see how you think you might be more correct than a scientifically conducted survey covering a broad spectrum of British children of all ages. :rolleyes:

Not really, every school is different, every teacher teaches differently.

I never stated I was 'more correct than a scientifically conducted survey' anyway :confused: So God knows where you got that from.

Rite........Every school I've been to has been fine? What's your point?

If you don't know a chicken lays an egg and a cow doesn't, it's either because you haven't been taught it when young by your parents, or the teacher / school hasn't decided to teach it in the class.
If you don't know a chicken lays an egg and a cow doesn't, it's either because you haven't been taught it when young by your parents, or the teacher / school hasn't decided to teach it in the class.

Get it right, the teacher doesn’t know.
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