Are there air coolers that out perform these and aren't more noisy? Ordered a h100 but the lack of warranty is really bothering me.
With a 90 warranty I would not buy these. I don't care how cheap they are. Thanks but no thanks.

Sounds like youve had a bad experience with your Corsair H100i ?? Im still undecided atm! But im very tempted, if they are in good condition no problems and work just as a brand new one not to mention you haved 90days if it works for that long it should work further imo cause if there is a fault or problem with it you should notice it sooner than rather later id say
Sounds like youve had a bad experience with your Corsair H100i ?? Im still undecided atm! But im very tempted, if they are in good condition no problems and work just as a brand new one not to mention you haved 90days if it works for that long it should work further imo cause if there is a fault or problem with it you should notice it sooner than rather later id say

Not if it leaks you wont.

The only issues I've had are the LED's fail. the Hydro series are time better then these cheap coolers
As i said before im interested in the Corsair Hydro H100 Extreme Performance Liquid CPU Cooler, in terms of C difference in regard to the Asetek 510LC Liquid Cooling system w/ 120mm Radiator what we looking at? Also is it easy to set it up? and can someone tell me if i have enough room for H100 here is pictures of my case:

Also when i these going to be available?
and whats the difference between this one and the H100i?
Are these prices going to change if i do not pre-order?
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So you're saying they go wrong that often that you need 5 years worth of warranty?

If I had something that was going wrong that often that I felt I needed a 5 year warranty I think I'd look to get something else completely.

Nah...I'm pretty happy with what I have thank you.

You all can enjoy your cheap coolers:D
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