The liquid is non-conductive but the galvanic corrosion process can introduce conductivity over time. This process is going to be pretty slow on a closed loop. Hence why I stated the possibility of damaged components would be low.

The few cases you find of damaged components a substantial leak has incurred - My suspicion is that these units haven't been handled correctly and force was applied to the barbs.

Personally I have handled over a dozen of these units (H60/H80/H100 as well as a few of the new 'i' series) and have known of no problems with any of them.

More of a concern is the amount of these units which suffer from pump noise. This shouldn't be a worry as this problem is normally seen day 1 and you've got that 90 day warranty to cover you.

Even though I'm pretty confident in these units I do however test them outside the case first just to make sure there is no pump noise/issues.

Considering the price to performance ratio of these you really can't complain. Sure the risk is real and yes you should consider you might be one of the minority with issues.

:EDIT: Just for reference - I own a H60, H80 and H100i all with no issues.

I highly doubt it was misue to be honest. A couple of them show leaks coming from the actual block and not the barbs. And if corsair suspected misuse they wouldn't pay people compensation.

Fair points otherwise :-)

I bet corsair are happy this gtx 780 survived, probably as the pc was turned off, the power supply died though :(

Will these still be covered under the DSR regulations with them being refurbs ?

if you purchase an item on our website you are covered under 7 day distance selling regulations rules.

however, we offer a 14 day satisfaction guarantee on every website order meaning your DSR term is extended by double.
if you purchase an item on our website you are covered under 7 day distance selling regulations rules.

however, we offer a 14 day satisfaction guarantee on every website order meaning your DSR term is extended by double.

Thanks was just thinking of return cost if the pump was faulty. Sounds fair deal now.
It might be a good idea to run the unit outside the case during the 14 days to see if any pump noise is encountered. This is an excellent deal if you get a good unit.
Thats what i thought but it's only £3 more ffs you would be crazy not to buy the H100.

I thought about it but did not want to hack up my tower to fit a double width radiator. The H80 Radiator will fit the back of my tower perfectly..

I'm in the same situation but I think I'm going to buy a h100 and set it up in the front of my case in the 5.25 drive bays using tie wraps. the hoses will only just reach the cpu mind.
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will it come with the pre-applied thermal pad?

I've got a feeling that these won't be refurbs but stock that they can't shift which they have have now sold on for silly money so you may get the normal pre applied paste.
I was told they do come with paste.

Also corsair pulled out of the air cooler market due to poor sales.
I wonder if they have a noisy pump issue, I had to put an inline diode to drop the voltage but after that it was fine.
If my h100 does come with pre-applied paste is it worth cleaning it off and using some AS5 or MX 2/4 that I have somewhere or will the paste be good?
The corsair coolers come with decent enough paste, not like the cheapo stuff you get on stock coolers, you might shave 1-2C off your temps by putting your own paste on, just depends if you think it's worth the effort.
Reviews state it comes with Dow Corning paste. Seem to recall one site (Vortez I think) replaced it with their standard testing paste and the temps went up by a couple of degrees. Seems decent enough, and it's supposed to be as good if not better than the Shin Etsu they used previously.
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