Corsair Obsidian 750D Builds

Wow those temps are hot, waaayyy hotter than they should be, I have never got close to those temps.

The 750D is better for water cooling granted, but there are good air options too, there are two intakes underneath the case coupled with the two in the front and you get good air flow.

Like I said I live in Australia and day time temps are never really below 20 degrees all year round and my temperatures 15-25 degrees cooler than yours and you have a better air cooling case.

I've got mine running as a work in progress at the moment. I've sunk over £570 into it so far and with me planning on watercooling the processors and GPUs it's going to end up much closer to £1000

Notes, I need to get some longer SATA cables and in black. I've left the two PCIe power cables in after I removed my VTX3D R9-280X which was hitting 100°C and downclocking to 501MHz for the core which killed my gaming.
I had to buy some washers to get the CPU coolers to actually touch the CPU cores as the threaded portions of the screws were too long.

Apologies for the appalling lighting too :(

For those interested in the technical aspects, they are dual Xeon X5650s on an Intel S5520SC motherboard and I have 18GB of Kingston 1600MHz RAM installed, and the GPU is an ASUS HD7970 DirectCU II TOP.
Plans are to watercool the CPUs and GPUs in one loop with two radiators (120.3 in the top and 120.2 in the front) and I've yet to decide on block/pump/reservoir/radiator brands and specs as this will be my first custom watercooling loop.
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Out with the old white and silver version of the akasa eclipse 64, and in with the new 750D :D (very happy with this case).
I still need some new cables though to match the blue/black theme aswell as some new fans to match my cpu fan so this isn't the final finished build, but I just transferred my parts over today.
Also, my new black fan controller hasn't arrived yet, so if you are wondering what the silver box is next to my hard drive cage, its two akasa jr fan controllers just as temporary. its not as clean cable wise as you pro's but im happy with what I have so far, it this case puts my old one to shame!! I used to run the side panel off my old eclipse 64 as the air cooling was shocking, so
it was a absolute dust magnet. and now in this 750d, the temperatures are lower than they was before, even with a side panel on. very impressed.

Also, this case makes my new 24" Asus monitor look tiny!!!

(Re-uploaded images, last one didn't work for some reason)




750D time!






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Got a 750D like IceShock - what an immense case :D

Hehe copy cat! :P looking good though!

how you finding your 750d?
I didn't expect it to be so tall!!. I thought my old eclipse 64 was big, but this is HUGE, so glad I didn't go for the 900D, it wouldn't fit on my desk lol.

in the past 11 years, iv only ever had 2 cases, the thermaltake armour then the eclipse 64, so this is my 3rd case and this blows the other out of the water!

I use two blue cold cathode / neon sticks, one is lighting up my interior, and iv routed the second through the front fan filter and out of the front to light up around the exterior of my pc. also helps me to find my case of beers dur in the night :p

Also, how you finding noise etc? in my old case, I only had my cpu fan and gpu fans spinning and they was turned down to silent so my pc was pretty much 100% silent, this case is a bit noisier due to the three included af140 fans

although im waiting for my new fan controller
which can turn the fans down to silent, though when I get more money ill replace the stock fans with retail af140s which have the rubber grommets.
also, I need to bunjee/eleastic mod my hard drive which ill do tomorrow when my fan controllers installed, then it should be as silent as my last pc!

also, I need to blu-tac the psu dust filter, when I got music loud the bass rattles it :p
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I've only ever had one, that rubbish xblade case. Tbh that was really bad. When the 750D came I was like... This is large, but it's worth it really. I got mine used, came with 4 enermax fans which are fairly quiet. They are plugged into my motherboard and then I let speed fan sort the speeds out
I've only ever had one, that rubbish xblade case. Tbh that was really bad. When the 750D came I was like... This is large, but it's worth it really. I got mine used, came with 4 enermax fans which are fairly quiet. They are plugged into my motherboard and then I let speed fan sort the speeds out

Sounds good, how much did you pick yours up for used?

For my old two cases iv used before the thermaltake armour was 220 quid, and the eclipse 64 was 160. I got mine for 124 on ocuk, very impressed with the price for how much computer case you get!
£97.50 including fans.

Realised it's worth spending more than £20 lol

how old was it? is it immaculate? aye lol I didn't even think about looking for a used one. though the stock fans aren't that cracking, but there functional fans I guess, and they do push some air through but are noisy.

Does anyone know how to clean the 750d window? mines dusty as hell already, tried using cloth, a tshirt, tissue. all failed and put more dust on it! haha
Don't clean it with something, I believe they give micro-scratches, try compressed air or so.

Yes, it's immaculate apart from a small dink on the top fan filter which is barely visible when it's on the case :)
Ah DOH compressed air, I have a can of that as well, was forever blowing dust out of my old case with no side panel on, didn't think to use it!.

I just got my new fan controller installed :) turns out it was delivered to my neighbour, so here she is! looking neater now, I can't wait to get some new cables, one of them corsair generation cable kits, and some new black sata cables, and mainly new af140 quite edition fans, and two fans for on the roof of the case. then when funds are climbing again, going to grab a corsair H110 water cooler for the cpu equipped with the two 140's im getting for the roof of the case. Cant actually remember the last time I was this excited about my computer, went through the phase of put as many neons and led fans that's possible in a case in 2003, then in 2007 went for the not bothered what it looks like as long as it has power. now iv taken up this trend of make it look stylish and neat! though it costs a lot of money to do so haha.







Also if you wonder why only one graphics card is lit up, I have ulps enabled, I think its a great feature for desktop use

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I did think about that, but I don't have the hard drive cages in now, iv bunjee modded the 3.25" drive bay with my hdd suspended in bunjee cables there. well elastic like I did on my old case here :

So the only things restricting air flow is just the pieces of metal either side which has the mounting holes for other fan sizes, Im thinking about just cutting them out so theres nothing restricting the air from the 140 fans :)
Ah, also go for the H105 or H100i as it's hard to source good static pressure 140mm fans. With the 105/100i you will want sp120s, af fans are no good for radiators
yeah, I was thinking this also, but 120s are more noise though which is the only problem. but sp140s are on the way, apparently anyway. so by the time I go for a hydro cooler, they should be out, fingers crossed lol
Just modded the AF140s on the front panel of the case to reduce noise.

Items needed: 1 rubber band (the thicker width wise the better), 1 pair of scissors, 1 safety pin.

Im running the stock af140s fans at the lowest possible setting with my fan controller, before I did this little mod, when the fans powered up at the lowest possible setting before them switching off, they was slightly audiable, where as now, they aren't at all. I unscrewed them from the case and they was silent, so It must have been some sort of vibration they was causing..

The stock AF140s on the 750D don't have the rubber rings to reduce noise like the retail ones do, so I was just looking in my draw thinking, what can I use to reduce the noise between them and where they make contact with the case... Hmm... blu-tac maybe? ill give it a shot.. Then I took out the screws and was quite shocked how short they are! they are only held in by one full turn or so, so blu-tac isn't going to work, nor could I fit any rubber o-ring on it as they are too thick the only ones I could find.

So I had to think of something a bit more creative. I took a rubber band, and pierced a hole in it and stretched it over the end of the screws and snipped off the excess. And, it worked.

Hope you liked this.







Thanks for reading, hope you liked this little mod
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