Corsair Obsidian 750D Builds

Just modded the AF140s on the front panel of the case to reduce noise.

Items needed: 1 rubber band (the thicker width wise the better), 1 pair of scissors, 1 safety pin.

Im running the stock af140s fans at the lowest possible setting with my fan controller, before I did this little mod, when the fans powered up at the lowest possible setting before them switching off, they was slightly audiable, where as now, they aren't at all. I unscrewed them from the case and they was silent, so It must have been some sort of vibration they was causing..

The stock AF140s on the 750D don't have the rubber rings to reduce noise like the retail ones do, so I was just looking in my draw thinking, what can I use to reduce the noise between them and where they make contact with the case... Hmm... blu-tac maybe? ill give it a shot.. Then I took out the screws and was quite shocked how short they are! they are only held in by one full turn or so, so blu-tac isn't going to work, nor could I fit any rubber o-ring on it as they are too thick the only ones I could find.

So I had to think of something a bit more creative. I took a rubber band, and pierced a hole in it and stretched it over the end of the screws and snipped off the excess. And, it worked.

Hope you liked this.






Thanks for reading, hope you liked this little mod

Now that's really creative and practical :) Did it really make a huge difference in terms of noise level between different rpms?
Hey greybeard, yep it did help a lot with noise. The stock fans are pretty noisy, I have them connected to my Akasa fan controller that can turn the speeds from 0 to full rpm. Before I did this at the lowest rpm before they turned off they was audiable and made a bit of vibration that lead to some strange sounds. After I did this the fans are silent right up to 30% speed. And speeds higher than that it's just the sound of the air they are dragging in and pushing out that makes the noise more than anything the weird vibrations and other sounds have dissapeared :)

Unfortunately same can't be said for the exhaust fan that's still a bit noisy not sure why I think it's because my case is right up against a wall so the noise is getting bounced back at me lol but it did quieten the rear fan about 20% also where as doing this on the front fans made them about 60% quieter.

Though when I get some more money I'll still be looking to replace them with retail af140 quiet editions with the rubber mounts. Plus they look better :p
Why sp120s shivy? I don't have any hard drive cages in the front so there's nothing to restrict the air flow, also AF series are a lot better at pulling air so they can pull a lot more air through the front panel where it is restrictive. SP series are good at blowing air in restrictive places and iv got nothing to restrict my air flow. My hard drive is mounted in the top drive bays underneath my fan controller and DVD drive. Also 140 over 120, more airflow and less noise. :) I'll be getting two sp 140s when they are released for a corsair h110 for the top of the case to push air through them. But I won't have a radiator in the front so I have no need for sp fans there as there is nothing to restrict the air
Yep I leave the front panel on, af fans are good at pulling air like for example when people do push pull on a radiator they use AF to pull and sp for push, so af are good at pulling the air past the pannel. Sp fans are only good at blowing air through a restrictive place, I guess if you had a hard drive cage right up against the fan it would be worth having one. But as I don't the af fans work better for me :)
Infact most of the time I don't even have my fans turned on you know, even in this weather, my cpu never goes higher than 40c idle or on desktop with no case fans running just my cpu fan which has a sp120 quiet edition fan on. I like the silence lol but for gaming I just turn them up full. Or if I'm benchmarking the I remove the front pannel and top dust filter. Or if Im doing something that is drawing a bit of power I have my fans on but on the lowest rpm for the silence
Oh, I read that the front panel on the 750D is restrictive, and is better with SP fans, hence I got the SP fans. Also, I can switch them onto my H100i in the future anyway :)
Yeah the front pannel is restrictive but only restrictive on the pulling side of the fan, af fans are better at pulling air into them and they are good at then blowing the air out at a huge rate. Where as sp fans don't draw that much air into them they just use the air they have to create pressure and turbulence with the air that they have to cool radiators or heat sinks, which is why if you have a radiator sp fans are good for pushing the air into the radiator and cooling it and having a af fan on the other side draws the hot air out and blows it away and also it is drawing the cold air into the sp fan because they draw so much air in. So if you pretend that the restrictive front pannel is a radiator if you use a af fan it's drawing the air in and blowing it into the case. If you use sp fans it's just creating turbulence with the air that's already there. Though if you do have a hard drive cage in the bottom right in front of where the fans are, one sp there would be good as it is pushing air through the hard drive cage and then use a af fan above it as the main intake fan. And yep sp fan on the hydro is the way to go if you are pushing the air through
Just finished my LC build,so I'm posting few pic:








Holey cow them radiators are thick, makes the 750d look small! :p
Great build there looks great. May I ask which direction the water flows, also can I ask how the water flows through the gpus I can't figure it out lol. Isn't it supposed to go into gpu1 then out of the other side of the gpu block then same again. But I see there's two connectors for the coolant between the cards. Thanks :)
Water flows from rez-pump- cool water goes into gpu1-gpu2 and warm water goes from gpu1-gpu2 to top rad. (parallel cooling-this way warm water doesn't go to second gpu).You described series way of connecting to blocks.
Radiators are thick (60mm+25mm fan) but believe me 2xhd7970 (1.2mv) give away a lot of heat so I need every rpm and fpi.
Water flows from rez-pump- cool water goes into gpu1-gpu2 and warm water goes from gpu1-gpu2 to top rad. (parallel cooling-this way warm water doesn't go to second gpu).You described series way of connecting to blocks.
Radiators are thick (60mm+25mm fan) but believe me 2xhd7970 (1.2mv) give away a lot of heat so I need every rpm and fpi.

I see, but what splits the water going into the first gpu so that there's a equal amount of water going through each block? I mean if the route is for example a few mm shorter on one route because of the way the internals of the block is machined won't the water going through the shorter one more and one route get like still or very steady flow? Rather than only one possible route where it would always be flowing, or are the temperatures pretty much identical from the two cards? Thanks :)
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