Cost of Living - Shrinkflation is speeding up at an alarming rate

Sorry but I thought we'd gotten past the 'Germany is Shangri-la' nonsense years ago.

Dunno what this Shangri-la nonsense is you're referring to and I've got no idea about Germany's economy, it was merely some observations from a tourist. Their economy could be in the toilet for all I know, I'd have never have noticed it from my visit though.
Stayed over in Liverpool Saturday night at the Hilton Liverpool one I opened the wardrobe where the fridge usually is to be greeted by this , in the last 10 years of many stays I've never had a fridge with any items inside but at least it worked as a mini fridge .

That'd be my last stay there, screw that.

Also, I don't believe that they have sensors, it'd cost tens of thousands of pounds to install a sensor system in all their fridges and they could charge what... a fiver a night? The sensors would fail before they'd made their money back. I reckon they're just chancing their luck.
Wife, daughter and I are visiting the UK next summer as part of a scouting session with the idea of potentially moving back there towards next Christmas or shortly after.

But I must say, this thread doesn't fill me with optimism.
Why on earth would you want to come back here? The country is in the toilet.
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...and their economy has grown slower than ours since COVID (along with France new figures show) - despite Brexit.

You have to temper that fact with the fact that the UK economy was hit harder during the pandemic as well so its likely that the rate of improvement (in percentage terms) is higher due to the fact it started at a lower base level rather than it being a better economy than Germany.

Yo could argue our economy is less resilient given that outside influences can make it far more peaky/troughy.
Why on earth would you want to come back here? The country is in the toilet.
Just a scouting session for the moment. Family there and growing old. We'll keep the house in New Zealand. Can always leave the UK again if we find we don't like it.

I currently know of three different couples that's moving back home (UK). All settled here as well in new homes with great jobs. Life can be TOO easy here. It grates after a while.
Just a scouting session for the moment. Family there and growing old. We'll keep the house in New Zealand. Can always leave the UK again if we find we don't like it.

I currently know of three different couples that's moving back home (UK). All settled here as well in new homes with great jobs. Life can be TOO easy here. It grates after a while.

Yeh, come back to the land where people stab and murder each other, these will get looked at; robberies, theft, muggings, shoplifters generally these won't get looked at, unless high profile and/or with there's clear video evidence.

I've had EVERY single car I've ever owned either stolen (most of them) or broken into, and not ONE has ever been investigated by the police, even when I pointed out a screwdriver that had been used to break into my Metro that was lying in the back seat after the scrotes had left after being disturbed trying to torch it, zero interest from police.

I had a mountain bike nicked from my shed, not even a visit from the police.

Went to the local cop shop about that bike and got threatened by a female cop there to stop wasting her time by asking questions, or she'd book me for whatever she could think of.

Yeh, great country.
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Not in cities it isn't, common occurence.

Out in the sticks, sure.

I only ride a bike now, no car, no steal.

I lived in London for awhile, still pretty rare outside of specific areas, unless you owned a performance Golf or fancy Range Rover - they'd be gone in seconds :s

EDIT: Even out here in the sticks if you turn your back on a Land Rover it'll be gone, but that aside fairly rare.
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Bahlsen biscuits have shrunk by a biscuit. As putting our new price tickets. Still had the old sizes out.

My dad who worked in food packaging said those foods like biscuits mentioned above, that come in a plastic insert. The new size requires a different size plastic insert - otherwise the biscuits would move about more with 1-2 fewer biscuits and increase the number of broken biscuits during the supply chain.

Unless the company who makes the plastic biscuit trays already has a cast of new size (doubt it) - a new one is designed. Which costs money. Plus it takes weeks to consult within the food manufacturers and then the plastic tray manufacturer.

Remember there were some chocolate cake bites that came in 12s and in a 4x3 tray. Now in 10s and 5x2 tray

So shrinkflation in some cases isn’t helping the food manufacturers with cost.
Bahlsen biscuits have shrunk by a biscuit. As putting our new price tickets. Still had the old sizes out.

My dad who worked in food packaging said those foods like biscuits mentioned above, that come in a plastic insert. The new size requires a different size plastic insert - otherwise the biscuits would move about more with 1-2 fewer biscuits and increase the number of broken biscuits during the supply chain.

Unless the company who makes the plastic biscuit trays already has a cast of new size (doubt it) - a new one is designed. Which costs money. Plus it takes weeks to consult within the food manufacturers and then the plastic tray manufacturer.

Remember there were some chocolate cake bites that came in 12s and in a 4x3 tray. Now in 10s and 5x2 tray

So shrinkflation in some cases isn’t helping the food manufacturers with cost.
I imagine it does longer term which to me makes it seem like we're getting more plastic garbage to throw away and permanently less food.
I imagine it does longer term which to me makes it seem like we're getting more plastic garbage to throw away and permanently less food.
Also some of the cases contain fewer units so more packaging - increases lorry loads and CO2 emissions.

If a company used to put 12 packs in a case and now puts 10 in a case. If they make 20,000,000 units a year - a third of a million cases extra used.
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Yeh, come back to the land where people stab and murder each other, these will get looked at; robberies, theft, muggings, shoplifters generally these won't get looked at, unless high profile and/or with there's clear video evidence.

I've had EVERY single car I've ever owned either stolen (most of them) or broken into, and not ONE has ever been investigated by the police, even when I pointed out a screwdriver that had been used to break into my Metro that was lying in the back seat after the scrotes had left after being disturbed trying to torch it, zero interest from police.

I had a mountain bike nicked from my shed, not even a visit from the police.

Went to the local cop shop about that bike and got threatened by a female cop there to stop wasting her time by asking questions, or she'd book me for whatever she could think of.

Yeh, great country.

I lived in London for 10 years and never had it that unlucky.

Tough breaks man. Where I live now, the local council closed our local police station as there's just not enough crime. A stolen bike last October, although recently there was a break-in in a local shop which had the local Facebook group up in arms how 'this country is finished'.

I guess it's just what you get used to.
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