Ok - it isn't my shoulder causing problems: it is my pec. Grinding out the last weighted pushup a few weeks ago has sent my left pec major into a horrific spasm and it is putting a huge stress on supraspinatus...
This is why tight pecs are bad, kids!
SNATCH -> 2*HIGH HANG SNATCH 40-70-80-85 Trying to improve stability in the catch... but crikey my shoulders and upper back were ruined!
BACK SQUAT (3) 140-140-140 Less drama than expected. Nice.
FRONT SQUAT (10) 80-85 Well that was dump... quads were numb by the end...
This is why tight pecs are bad, kids!
SNATCH -> 2*HIGH HANG SNATCH 40-70-80-85 Trying to improve stability in the catch... but crikey my shoulders and upper back were ruined!
BACK SQUAT (3) 140-140-140 Less drama than expected. Nice.
FRONT SQUAT (10) 80-85 Well that was dump... quads were numb by the end...