Countdown to competition...

Ok - it isn't my shoulder causing problems: it is my pec. Grinding out the last weighted pushup a few weeks ago has sent my left pec major into a horrific spasm and it is putting a huge stress on supraspinatus... :(


This is why tight pecs are bad, kids!

SNATCH -> 2*HIGH HANG SNATCH 40-70-80-85 Trying to improve stability in the catch... but crikey my shoulders and upper back were ruined! :eek:
BACK SQUAT (3) 140-140-140 Less drama than expected. Nice.
FRONT SQUAT (10) 80-85 Well that was dump... quads were numb by the end...
Oh the envy....

Thanks - I'll let you know when I actually lift... :D :(

Anyway - today...

DEADLIFTS (5-5-3-3) 110-140-150-150 Platform and useable space was taken, so no snatch...
PENDLAYS (5) 90-90-90

Quick work session, so nothing crazy.
Ooh... Deadlifts took their toll! :)

BACK SQUAT (3) 142.5-142.5-142.5
BACK SQUAT (8) 110.110
POWER CLEANS (3) 80-90-90
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Those weighted pushups have done me no favours. Consult with my physio this morning had him warning me off anything overhead for 4-6 weeks due to:

- possible tear in long head of biceps tendon;
- possible tear in pec major.

For people not doing Olympic lifts, this wouldn't normally be too much of a problem but he is concerned the explosive and repetative nature of what I do will "superimpose" injury on existing problems.

So... Looks like more squats. A lot more squats. Millions of squats. And snatch grip deadlifts.

Goodbye to any trousers I ever thought I could wear with a straight face...
I will be working out how to change up the frequency of training to push harder, given that I won't really have too much to recover from...

My legs and back are going to be in for a treat... :D
Have you ever considered running the full Smolov program for squats? I know most people say it's a bit more beneficial for the "enhanced" lifter due to improving recovery but if you can only squat atm, it might be worth a thought?
Have you ever considered running the full Smolov program for squats? I know most people say it's a bit more beneficial for the "enhanced" lifter due to improving recovery but if you can only squat atm, it might be worth a thought?

I have thought about it, yes, but it would detract from other weightlifting (I am only going to be out for 4-6 weeks). Plus I suspect a lot of people do Smolov to "do Smolov" rather than because it is the only way to gains...


This, one the other hand, starts on Monday. :cool:
Soooooooooo... that was interesting. Decided to do a 1RM test just to see what I'd be working towards on Monday, and figured a few more kgs in the triple range weren't going to make too much difference over the next couple of sessions.


140(1) Urgh... that felt heavy. This is going to look like I will hit 155kg as expected.
150(1) Urgh... that felt heavy, too. But strangely, no heavier...
160(1) That's very odd... feels heavy, but still moving very fast... I wonder...
170(1) Yup - can feel form start to tweak, and this started getting slow. Will stop here. Pretty happy with that. :)

DBSS (8) BW-10-18 Tried rolling back the squats for some volume at around 110kg, and my body was having none of it... these seemed like an acceptable substitute.




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