Countdown to competition...

They are different and can serve as a very effective alternative if looking to get a silly upper back.

Snatch grip can add a new dimension to RDLs, too, because of the potentially increased ROM and the absurd strain on the shoulder apparatus.
They are different and can serve as a very effective alternative if looking to get a silly upper back.

Snatch grip can add a new dimension to RDLs, too, because of the potentially increased ROM and the absurd strain on the shoulder apparatus.

Can the snatch grip DL have positive affects on ones conventional DL? Trying to figure out if its worth using them as my deadlift variant for days/sets Im not conventional DLing.
If you are somebody that stuggles to keep their shoulders back and uppder chest tight, it can be helpful, yes.

It is yseful to do as a break from regular training simply because it is easier on the legs as the weight won't be as heavy (moving from a greater ROM and much more back strain)... but they are just fun because they are different.
Couldn't face sixes, so went for back squat triples....

BACK SQUAT (3) 100-120-130-140-150-150-150-120(8) Heavy sets weren't bad. Will be interesting to see how this bears out with proper food and sleep.
KLOKOV PRESS (8) BAR(5)-30-35 Shoulder feels beeter, but will probably get roasted by my physio...
PENDLAYS (8) 30-70-70

Serious: my physio did specify brocep curlz. Admittedly he wanted eccentric only, but... :D

SNATCH PULL (5) 70-110-110-110 Wow - that was REALLY heavy). :(
DEADLIT (5-5-3-3-3) 140-150-160-160-160-160

Physio session shortly, so might update this depending on how bad I'm broken...
I haven't got anything else to do whilst not allowed to do anything bar squatting and deadlifting. :(

And yes, my physio is going to ask for a referral for an MRI - suspected SLAP tear. :( :( :(
BACK SQUAT (3) 150-152.5-152.5-100(5)-100(5)

Slowly re-working from fasting and - unsurprisingly - my body is taking its sweet time to adjust.
Worse. It's technically a...

Snatch grip, behind-the-neck press performed in the deep squat position.

Admittedly, I was doing it standing up. :o :D
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