Countdown to competition...

Worse. It's technically a...

Snatch grip, behind-the-neck press performed in the deep squat position.

Admittedly, I was doing it standing up. :o :D

Isn't there a load of bad rep about behind-the-neck presses? Or is it all broscience? Obviously working for Klokov, mirin' his insane back - nearly turned me gay :eek::o
The bad reputation for behind the neck presses comes from the regular grip press causing the glenohumeral joint to disarticulate (get prised apart) through the angle of the humerus.

The snatch grip doesn't cause this because the grip is much wider and the tension isn't in the joint (humeral head is jammed into the socket by the movement).

So a behind the neck strict press isn't great, but widening the grip can remove any issues... whilst making the press REALLY hard.
Eurgh. Shoulder is wrecked from a combination of lifting my kids up and DOMS from rotator cuff work...


160*1 Harder than it needed to be, but nice to see I've not gotten too weak over the fasting period.

DBSS (10 reps, weight is dumbells in each hand) 12-14-14 So much pain... so much pump.
Naughty mrthingyx! Another unsuspecting gym rat caught in your pursuit to cause pain and gains :)

Are you telling me you didn't feel slightly better as a human being than the rest when you realised none of your trousers fitted? :eek: :D

Liking the getting bigger back squat numbers! :D :cool:

Thank you... need some more sleep and moar food in me over the next week and should be able to start really ruining myself.
The bad reputation for behind the neck presses comes from the regular grip press causing the glenohumeral joint to disarticulate (get prised apart) through the angle of the humerus.

The snatch grip doesn't cause this because the grip is much wider and the tension isn't in the joint (humeral head is jammed into the socket by the movement).

So a behind the neck strict press isn't great, but widening the grip can remove any issues... whilst making the press REALLY hard.

Same for pull-ups?!

Cray-cray Chinaman eh.
I wouldn't be surprised. The wider the grip, the less damaging the angle - so logic would dictate - but I've never done pulldowns/chins behind my neck beyond isolated sets early in my lifting journey.

To be fair, however, I've watched my physio do tmultiple sets of the Bradford press in the gym fully mindful that it's not great on the old shoulder because somebody told him it was the pathway to gainis... :confused: :o :D
Naughty mrthingyx! Another unsuspecting gym rat caught in your pursuit to cause pain and gains :)

Are you telling me you didn't feel slightly better as a human being than the rest when you realised none of your trousers fitted? :eek: :D

Think I'm more interested in the isometric gains and the impact that can indirectly have on my back squat numbers.
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All kinds of gains to be had from DBSS...


PAUSED SNATCH PULLS (5) 80(3)-90-90-90 Paused just off the floor to remind me of what is supposed to be doing what. Slower than a slow thing the top. :(
PENDLAYS (8) 80-80-80
GOOD MORNNGS (5) 60-80-80-80
BROCEPS 20-40-60-80-1beeliyon.

Shoulder is grumpy as anything. Subscapularis in my left shoulder does not want to contract/relax smoothly at all! :eek:
Amazing what a huge amount of calories can do for lifting...

BACK SQUAT (3) 100-120-140-150-150-150-110(8)-110(8) That felt good. :cool:
PENDLAY ROW (5) 100-100-100
BARBELL CURLZ (8) 40-40-40
FRONT SQUAT (10) 70-80 Last set was murder.

Felt much better, today. Now just time to eat some more and get some sleep. I can already feel my leg DOMS coming on...
Felt good and well-fed. Feels like a 1RM squat day...

BACK SQUAT (1) 110-130-150-160-180 Felt heavy after 130kg; 160kg was slow but clean, whilst 180kg was dirty. :cool:
BACK SQUAT (8) 110-120-120
DBSS (8) 12-20-20 Weights are per hand.

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