Countdown to competition...

Ok - let's pretend I was doing hand-stand pushups instead... :D

BACK SQUAT (4*6 @ 145kg) Strangely easy., apart from the last rep of the sixth set.
SINGLE ARM ROW (10) 30-35-35 With fatgripz fdor added misery.
There's this guy that went to my old gym who used to use sponges for every press/pull involving a barbell. Bathroom sponges.

Physio once suggested I use sponges for overhead squatting to reduce my 'palmar fascialitis...'

I didn't. I just stopped overhead squatting and started doing snatch balances.

Today's workout... More squatting.

BACK SQUAT (2*6 @ 145kg) *Whistling* Nothing too interesting. One random rep in the fourth was hard for some reason, but everything else was good.
CLEAN DEADLIFT (5) 100-130-130-130-150 Needed some burn.

More food, more sleep: 5*6 day on Friday! :eek:
Finally got into the gym...

BACK SQUAT (5*6 @ 145kg) Surprisingly easy. Probably due to last squatting on Wednesday...
ARMS & SHOULDERS Nope: still not right. Better, but not right. :(
Moar squats...

BACK SQUAT (2*6 @ 145kg) First set hard, but the rest were easy.
RDL (5) 110-140-140
JUMP SQUAT (5) 50-50-50
ARMZ Rehab and brocepz.

Topped off with 60oz out of a 72oz steak challenge... :o
BACK SQUAT (6*6 @ 145kg) Hard. And a bit too much back for my liking. Also got cramp in my elbow on the fifth set meaning only a triple. :rolleyes:
PENDLAY ROW (10) 80-80-80
BACK SQUAT (2*6 @ 145kg) Hard, because I was shuffling my weight around at the bottom trying to find out what is causing the back-heavy movement. Turns out it was just me forgetting to keep my shoulders tight.
RDL (5) 100-120-120
ARMZ Strict pressing with just the bar for bazillions of reps; lat raises... Everything.
Start of the ramp phase of RSR - spent the whole of yesterday and today dreading it, which was probably jot a good way to set up!

BACK SQUAT (5*5 @ 152.5) Got three sets and then tanked. This time around I am feeling the effects of duff motor pattern, meaning I am not as strong as I should be when squatting 'properly...' :(
Urgh... Re-learning my squat technique sucks. I have - effectively - lost six weeks of gains through being careless: my 170kg RM was different technique to my 180kg (which was why 180kg was so much harder!) so have been walking over my 'good' pattern for the past couple of days.

Irritatingly, my quads are killing me. :D

In other news, I will start reintroducing some light snatch work as my shoulder seems to be settling down... Yes. At last...
Wasn't happy with my last 180kg and realised why last Monday.

The problem is that - being slightly different - I am comparatively weak when squatting 'properly.' Most people probably wouldn't notice and the issue I had is that - at lower weights - they feel quite similar (but not the same): crank the weight up, however, and they are quite different.

So I only went to 130kg for paused doubles this evening to make sure my head was in the right place... Quads hurt a lot, mind! The re-work sets from last Monday woke them up!
That was better...

BACK SQUAT (3) 130-140-140-140-140-140 Slow to start, then better as the sweat broke out.
STRICT PRESS ss/w WG CHINS (10) 30/BW-30/BW-30/BW

Felt a lot better today - will start building the weight slowly to ensure form sticks. :)
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