Countdown to competition...

Thanks guys... although not sure if MoNkeE is suggesting I'm fat? :eek: :D

"Yeah, your core looks really functional" being subtext for "Bro, do you even abz?"

Justifiably so! :cool:
Disregard aesthetics, acquire width. You don't impress people have a cheesegrater under your shirt, you do it by having a V taper only measurable in meters :D
Finally got around to another workout... squattee yesterday, but a whole day walking out and about meant it didn't really count...

So today...

POWER SNATCH -> 4* HANG SNATCH 50-70-80(3)-80(3) Oooof. 80kg was heavy, and the bar was moving forward away from me.
DB BENCH (10) 20-30-30-30
DB INCLINE BENCH (10) 16-14-14 Was smoked on these.
CABLE PULLOVERS (10) Some setting...
DB SHOULDER PRESS (10) 12-14-14
LAT RAISE ss/w OH TRICEPSZ All over them.

Pump was outrageous - clearly haven't done chest for a couple of weeks. :D

Finished off with...

6*20-10 (SPRINT-REST) Tabata sprints on the Watt bike. Need to bring the abz out, so having to resort to additional cardioze. I was shot to pieces and almost hurling after this...

To the eagle-eyed among you, I should have started a new log (it's October), but I'm just bimbling along cutting s-l-o-w-l-y and so starting a new log would be somewhat pointless. Hopefully just another month to bring out the abz...

It's in slow mo (iPhone 6 yo), so be prepared to fast-forward.

Things to note:

- The bar isn't being kept back against my legs (it's too far out in front);
- As a result, I come forward off my heels to quickly (leads to the second rep being 'dropped');
- Core wasn't as tight as I'd like (but also maybe a consequence of bar too far forward)...

Amuse yourselves... :D
I like this

Just to note, you pull from quite a low position?

I watch too many Klokov videos... :D

In all seriousness, it helps me keep my back tight. The trade-off is I really have to concentrate on pulling the bar back. The Chinese, for instance, don't like dynamic starts, but hey... :)

Yes. Once the cheezegrater is through, then it's open season on the width...

It's my own fault, really, as I told my parents (and wife) that losing weight is easy. So I'm just proving a point (always a dumb idea). Once I have gotten ride of any excess flub, it's all going back on. :D
I watch too many Klokov videos... :D

In all seriousness, it helps me keep my back tight. The trade-off is I really have to concentrate on pulling the bar back. The Chinese, for instance, don't like dynamic starts, but hey... :)

Ahh okay, just an observation, cheers for explaining :)
Ahh okay, just an observation, cheers for explaining :)

What I'm saying is there isn't really an answer. If you look, the pull starts from more or less the same place as most other people, but the 'set-up' is different.

Time will tell if it evolves over time. For instance, if I notice that I start missing things overhead more frequently, then I will work backwards from the catch to the set up to find out what is wrong and adjust accordingly.
I guess looking at the way you are set up and your limb length etc it makes sense, it just seemed really low, as the bar starts moving when your hip crease is below your knee.

I should probably look at my own setup from the side :D
I guess looking at the way you are set up and your limb length etc it makes sense, it just seemed really low, as the bar starts moving when your hip crease is below your knee.

I should probably look at my own setup from the side :D

The trick is being mindful of bad habits, so starting low helps me (supposedly) get tight... but does this mean I'm not bracing properly at another point in the lift? Dunno... this is why it's important to have an experienced person analyse the lift (and each lift) to drive improvement and consistency...
Aye it does help. From time to time someone at our gym gives me pointers, ran into another bloke the other week who helped a load as well, shame I don't see them more often.
Eurgh... The slightly longer session with interval training (all two minutes of it... If that) had me feeling rough. Really rough. Massive DOMS all over the place! Too much cortisol... And the wisdom behind the stock workout bears true: keep it to 45 minutes at most so circulating cortisol doesn't get too high...

POWER CLEAN (3) 60-80-100-80(5) 100kg was ok... 80kg was a bit silly. But the movement was nice and fast. :)
HANG SNATCH HIGH PULL (10) 100-100-100 Keeping shoulders pinned for that extra trap squeeeeeeeeeze. Yes.
BOR (10) 75-75-75
BROCEPS (5) 40-40-40
HANG SNATCH 15*40kg For the calories. Honest.

That was uncomfortable... But good fun all the same. :cool:
BACK SQUAT (3) 100-120-135-135 Left it there as it still felt good.
DBSS (10) BW-30-30-30 So much pain. So much pump. Tomorrow is going to suck big ones.
SLDL (10) 100-110-110 So hard after the DBSS... :o
BROCEPS (6) Because broceps.

Feels nice to squat heavy, but stop before it gets ugly... SLDLs were all kinds of painful, however! :D
BARBELL BENCH (3) 60-80-90-90-90-70(8)-70(8) First time in... a very long time. Not too bad... but not great, either.
PUSHPRESS (50 60-70-70 Likewise... not great.
LAT RAISE ss/w TRICEPZ (10) All kinds of variations.

Four weeks of hypertrophyz, so a little recess to see where strength is at. And it's not great, if I'm honest. :D :(
POWER CLEAN (5) 60(1)-60 Caught myself in the way up (first time ever) on the first set... Didn't really have the heart afterwards...
DEADLIFTS (3-5-4-3) 150-160-165-170 Was going for a second triple at 170kg but found the first hard enough. My beautiful, soft hands were starting to feel uncomfortable, too... :D
SNATCH PULL (5) 100-100-100 Sets of ten suddenly make fives really easy. :D
BOR (5) 100-100-100
BROCEPS (10) #pump
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