COVID-19 (Coronavirus) discussion

haha it was a joke. :cry:
I was mocking the source video of 'Dr' Campbell a well known covid hack/conspiracy theorist, who realised that he could make A LOT of money going from sensible Dr to dragging up any non peer-reviewed journal to feed his rabid anti-vax audience.

Apologies, sometimes it hurts because I'm still dealing with Covid cases and it's getting worse - not as many deaths though and none in ICU.
He portrays himself as a 'sensible orator' but he is just as dangerous as all the cranks shouting from the rooftops.
I’m not sure what you mean. We have excess deaths without covid now higher than during the pandemic. This is pretty significant. He is right to bring this up. He hasn’t drawn any conclusions from this data. Rather he is calling for an investigation.
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I’m not sure what you mean. We have excess deaths without covid now higher than during the pandemic. This is pretty significant. He is right to bring this up. He hasn’t drawn any conclusions from this data. Rather he is calling for an investigation.
Your taking one example of the hundreds of misinformation he is spouted. The point is he is not a reliable source at all to be getting information from as has been called out countless amounts of times from actual people with the expertise in the field (because he isnt) and from fact checking websites.
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Your taking one example of the hundreds of misinformation he is spouted. The point is he is not a reliable source at all to be getting information from as has been proven countless amounts of times from actual people with the expertise in the field (because he isnt) and from fact checking websites.
I’m interested in the excess deaths. Is this misinformation? Does it not exist? He is using government stats for this.
I entered a shop this morning. This woman was moaning that the shop has taken away its sanitising station. If she's that bloody paranoid, why can't she take her own anti bac wipes for wiping the basket handle and her own hand sanitiser?

How many have died because they touched an unsanitised shop basket or trolley?

I have never wiped a trolley or basket handle myself as I touch hundreds a day
Your taking one example of the hundreds of misinformation he is spouted. The point is he is not a reliable source at all to be getting information from as has been called out countless amounts of times from actual people with the expertise in the field (because he isnt) and from fact checking websites.
It isn't misinformation. He isnt a well known conspiracy theorist either.

Just because he isnt towing the line you want to hear doesnt mean he is a crank.
I’m not sure what you mean. We have excess deaths without covid now higher than during the pandemic. This is pretty significant. He is right to bring this up. He hasn’t drawn any conclusions from this data. Rather he is calling for an investigation.

There's already plenty of evidence that infection with SARS-CoV-2 increases the risk of a host of conditions, and death, in the months following infection. We let a huge proportion of our populations get infected. What does he want that is not already known or already being closely investigated?

Also, excess compared to what? I assume he's already accounted for the expected rise in annual deaths from changing demographics too? Pre-pandemic is increasingly invalid as a comparator anyway.
Your taking one example of the hundreds of misinformation he is spouted. The point is he is not a reliable source at all to be getting information from as has been called out countless amounts of times from actual people with the expertise in the field (because he isnt) and from fact checking websites.

Can you show a video where he is spouting this misinformation, he talks about subjects that are well documented and uses the sources of information from health organisation and government websites?

Not sure about Antivaxx, he is vaxxed and even shown his NHS record on his videos.

One of his recent videos said quite the opposite to vaccines killing people, its the backlog from lockdowns and people not seeing their GP means conditions normally caught and resolved are going unchecked and its now catching up with people.
Also, excess compared to what?

Compared to previous years, not just UK, there is a well established mean death rate going back years, this spiked during the first waves of COVID due to sadly killing lots of vulnerable people, which in turns mean we should really be running a average death deficit, as those that account for large portion of the deaths each year where sadly taken early through COVID, but instead the numbers are still higher than expected.

As per previous post, all the information is there on government and health websites, he just collates it and highlights a potential issue.

Its not just him either, questions are being asked across Europe and US too, this is not a UK issue.
Compared to previous years, not just UK, there is a well established mean death rate going back years, this spiked during the first waves of COVID due to sadly killing lots of vulnerable people, which in turns mean we should really be running a average death deficit, as those that account for large portion of the deaths each year where sadly taken early through COVID, but instead the numbers are still higher than expected.

No, we shouldn't expect a decline, because UK annual excess deaths were already rising pre-pandemic because of demographic changes (and also because of the impact of some government policies in the UK specifically).

As per previous post, all the information is there on government and health websites, he just collates it and highlights a potential issue.

"He just collates" - no, he doesn't. He selects what to talk about, why has he made that choice? Why given the abundance of evidence that Covid causes increased mortality following infection isn't he discussing that as the most likely cause? (I haven't watched the video, btw, I'm just assuming from the way people are talking about it).
Can you show a video where he is spouting this misinformation, he talks about subjects that are well documented and uses the sources of information from health organisation and government websites?

Not sure about Antivaxx, he is vaxxed and even shown his NHS record on his videos.

One of his recent videos said quite the opposite to vaccines killing people, its the backlog from lockdowns and people not seeing their GP means conditions normally caught and resolved are going unchecked and its now catching up with people.

If you think non-peer reviewed studies from often random sources is well documented evidence ... then I guess he's got his audience down to a tee.
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"He just collates" - no, he doesn't. He selects what to talk about, why has he made that choice? Why given the abundance of evidence that Covid causes increased mortality following infection isn't he discussing that as the most likely cause? (I haven't watched the video, btw, I'm just assuming from the way people are talking about it).

In the information provided on the sites and his videos the COVID deaths are separated out from other causes, the website even allows you to select different causes, age groups etc and updates the graph.

Instead of assuming, maybe watch the video.
In the information provided on the sites and his videos the COVID deaths are separated out from other causes, the website even allows you to select different causes, age groups etc and updates the graph.

That's good. No-one is arguing there aren't excess deaths in these figures so what part of it does he think isn't explained by known factors?

Instead of assuming, maybe watch the video.

No. I'm not watching a 16 minute video to find out what this dude says this time. I've watched a few of his before and, well, they're rarely worth the time. While I wouldn't describe him as a full blown crank, his ability to analyse the data leaves a lot to be desired especially compared to his ability to convince lay people that he does. You want to discuss it, bring the arguments here so they can be discussed.

Those are vaccine related and seems to be they are upset about the wording, ie saying side affect vs post vaccine event, a side affect would point to vaccine being directly responsible where as a post vaccine event can be attributed to anything else, ie and underlying issue / cause or basically anything else, but possibly still including the vaccine.

I think any sane person would agree and wording is important.
That's good. No-one is arguing there aren't excess deaths in these figures so what part of it does he think isn't explained by known factors?

All he is asking for is more investigation in to why there are what appears to be higher than expected extra deaths, the same question being asked by others across Europe and the US etc.

I have no skin in the game, ive had covid couple times, and I am vaxed but dont see any issue in this question being asked or an investigation taking place, what are the downsides to it?
All he is asking for is more investigation in to why there are what appears to be higher than expected extra deaths, the same question being asked by others across Europe and the US etc.

I have no skin in the game, ive had covid couple times, and I am vaxed but dont see any issue in this question being asked or an investigation taking place, what are the downsides to it?

It's already being investigated and widely discussed and we already have good answers. Naturally, at this stage, the exact balance between different known factors needs more research but that research is, of course, ongoing. So what is his point here?
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