Yup, I was talking about the millions worldwide ( an estimated 1.9 million in UK, 20 million in the U.S and 5% of the population in Eire according to the latest studies ).He's talking about the millions potentially affected worldwide, and while he may have exaggerated a bit about the percentage getting long-covid after each wave, it's still a small percentage.
Besides, that's literally one poster in the thread, it's hardly the "narrative on here".
@n11ck Why are so you incensed these studies may "increase public anxiety" unnecessarily ? Aren't these numbers already significant enough to justify concern ? Many of those affected by LC feel they are being gaslit by media ( and the likes of you ) underplaying the seriousness of this condition ie. public awareness is being undermined - potentially to their detriment. Trust me, I don't wish LC on anyone. I continue to come across new patients weekly with LC - this problem isn't going away and it's not within our power to control ( at the moment, at least ).