COVID must be doing the rounds again, at least my doctor thinks so.
I've been really under the weather since Thursday with temperature, tiredness, aching all over, surprisingly only small loss of appetite, full on face bunged up cold, then a "medium" intensity chest infection.
On top of the above loss of energy, disorientation, unable to stand properly and weirdly vision problems, light appears darker than normal and sometimes fussy.
Just about got into work today and now a weird smell has started and after taste, it's Unforgettable, it's what I had when I last had full on COVID in August 2021 it was disgusting, tainted everything, this isn't the level of that as I still have partial sense of taste and small amount of sense of smell .
Really knocked me out the past 3 days been in bed until today, unusually the symptoms varied and was not as strong as times.
When it got really bad I took a naproxen and a prescription strength cocodomol that seemed to stave it off slightly but at the same time knock me out.
Anyone else had similar symptoms?