COVID-19 (Coronavirus) discussion

We knew this from the start, it's literally a form of SARS? And where did that come from...
SARS is from memory a description of a family of viruss...

By your reckoning I can happily and safely keep a pet tiger or lion because they're both felines like the domestic cat.
SARS is from memory a description of a family of viruss...

By your reckoning I can happily and safely keep a pet tiger or lion because they're both felines like the domestic cat.
You were saying...
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a viral respiratory disease of zoonotic origin caused by the virus SARS-CoV-1, the first identified strain of the SARS-related coronavirus.[3] The first known cases occurred in November 2002, and the syndrome caused the 2002–2004 SARS outbreak. In the 2010s, Chinese scientists traced the virus through the intermediary of Asian palm civets to cave-dwelling horseshoe bats in Xiyang Yi Ethnic Township, Yunnan.[4]

SARS was a relatively rare disease; at the end of the epidemic in June 2003, the incidence was 8,469 cases with a case fatality rate (CFR) of 11%.[5] No cases of SARS-CoV-1 have been reported worldwide since 2004.[6]

In December 2019, another strain of SARS-CoV was identified as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).[7] This strain, which is related to SARS-CoV-1, caused coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), a disease that brought about the COVID-19 pandemic.[8]
I mean it was pretty obvious considering the name literally means what it says... SARS-CoV-1 and CoV-2...
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You are talking rubbish, no it doesn't stop you getting it but for many people it reduces the impact.
Nice selective reply there, I also said:
Nope, that's just fluke/your wife's immune system.

I chose to look after my parents and isolate with them right...
All 3 of us had it and had the vaccinations, all of us had it different, me it just felt like a pathetic mild headache and my throat hurt a bit and i was hot, my father who smoked for like 55-60 years heavily was fine just a cold, and my mum had it very bad and is the healthiest/never smoked etc etc...

So there is no proof that it does anything to bring it down/stop you getting it, all of us had had all the 3 jabs/top ups etc etc, then randomly caught it 2 weeks later.
So "many people" doesn't mean anything to me versus the reality of what happened to my family/people I know. So stop scaremongering.
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Nice selective reply there, I also said:

So "many people" doesn't mean anything to me versus the reality of what happened to my family/people I know. So stop scaremongering.

Also happened to my family, some of us have been quite bad with Covid and others haven't however when you count the deaths of pre vaccine to now, we hardly have any so yes vaccination has helped to reduce the impact with many people.
Also a less virulant form of Covid has helped.
I don't know why I'm debating with you, I'd rather listen to my colleagues in Infection Control than somebody on the Internet.
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Can't say my experience with it is much different to keef's - I was in a cluster of a few dozen people most of whom I know - aside from a small number of people with existing conditions where it almost certainly helped them everyone else had pretty much the same level of COVID irrespective of vaccine status from none to recently boosted.

My parents and brother had the booster a few weeks before and should have been in the ideal window for protection and all got it.
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Also happened to my family, some of us have been quite bad with Covid and others haven't however when you count the deaths of pre vaccine to now, we hardly have any so yes vaccination has helped to reduce the impact with many people.
Also a less virulant form of Covid has helped.
I don't know why I'm debating with you, I'd rather listen to my colleagues in Infection Control than somebody on the Internet.
So then you've had the same experience where despite the vaccine, some have barely been affected, yet some have that have had the vaccine/same one. So again, how can you be that clear cut about it, when you witnessed yourself it?

Unless you're quoting death statistics from people who ONLY had covid with and without vaccine's in a comparison, then that's irrelevant, as anything extra will obviously weaken the immune system further thus not making for a fair test/comparison/statistic.

So you can't go grouping everything together and making out it's solely covid that caused the deaths, people die of all sorts.

Yeah why are you debating it if you're contradicting your own experience vs what they've had in a ward, as you're describing the same varied differences despite the vaccine as me, then saying it's all the same for everybody the next minute because of knowing stats elsewhere, 99% of which are all based on having other illnesses/weaknesses at the same time, which makes any comparison/statistic completely null and void!

Can't say my experience with it is much different to keef's - I was in a cluster of a few dozen people most of whom I know - aside from a small number of people with existing conditions where it almost certainly helped them everyone else had pretty much the same level of COVID irrespective of vaccine status from none to recently boosted.

My parents and brother had the booster a few weeks before and should have been in the ideal window for protection and all got it.
Thank you. And ironically my old man in his late 70s having had heart attacks, lung conditions, smoked nearly 60 years etc etc etc should have been the one with it the worst, yet he was fine and a mild cold like me and a bit hot, yet there's my Mum who's super fit and healthy, never smoked a cig etc etc having it the worst. ALL of us had the jab at the same time/place. So all this lets group everything together with stats about people having pre-existing conditions/other illnesses and add it all together for a stat is utter ********!

It's funny there's no stats for people JUST with covid with and without a vaccine? Nope just scare-tactics mis-grouping everything together. I also do not know anyone who's died solely from it, neither does anyone I know or their friends/family...

However, I will say when me and my mother had the Nora virus THAT was like death, and people DO die just from that!
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So then you've had the same experience where despite the vaccine, some have barely been affected, yet some have that have had the vaccine/same one. So again, how can you be that clear cut about it, when you witnessed yourself it?

Because we're humans, it's no matter what we catch some of us get it bad and others sail through it however the vaccine for many will make the impact less.
I had a score of 19 on an NHS Occupational Health test when 9 was seriously at risk and I have to take 12 pills in a morning to keep me alive but I have no doubt that the vaccination has helped me to sail through the 3 Covid bouts I've had, I'm 100% sure of it.
America did whilst conducting illegal experiments in China apparently :rolleyes:

Have you read the DEFUSE grant mate? Do you not think that the risky GOF work done in Wuhans BSL-2 labs is by far the most likely explanation? Have you been following the origin of covid story for the last few years or are you a numpty that finds it unbelievable?
This isn't fringe..

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Because we're humans, it's no matter what we catch some of us get it bad and others sail through it however the vaccine for many will make the impact less.
I had a score of 19 on an NHS Occupational Health test when 9 was seriously at risk and I have to take 12 pills in a morning to keep me alive but I have no doubt that the vaccination has helped me to sail through the 3 Covid bouts I've had, I'm 100% sure of it.
Exactly, so there will never be a way to prove one way of another definitively it is JUST that causing it... Exactly my point.
Well that doesn't mean anything, as unless you'd had it before having vaccines and then after, you will never know wether it did, so that's just speculation isn't it. I'm not having a go, but you see my point, for a test/statistic/comparison to be fair, it has to have been done on both grounds, yours isn't.

So you've just got a placebo opinion on it which you hope is true at this point vs trying both, and because you've now had the 3 vaccines, it'll never be a 'fair test' if you didn't take them in the future and caught it, as it 'could' still be working, we will never know.

Everyone now doesn't even bother having a test 90% the time and still claims they have it, when it could be all sorts going round, just like has always been the case. Yet they'll argue online about it (not saying you, but I'm sure you've witnessed idiots doing this?)

415 Pages ranting about it on here won't change anything, just like moaning about war/politics in other threads wont, but people think cause it's on a forum/twitter that they're changing the future :rolleyes: :cry:

Anyways, I've said my bit. All the best.
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Well that doesn't mean anything, as unless you'd had it before having vaccines and then after, you will never know wether it did, so that's just speculation isn't it. I'm not having a go, but you see my point, for a test/statistic/comparison to be fair, it has to have been done on both grounds, yours isn't.

My sister and Nephew both ended up in hospital with Delta in 2020 but both had Covid several times since and sailed through it.
Two of my NHS co-workers were also hospitalised in 2020 and both have sailed through successive bouts.
However you will now claim they had immunity anyway because they had a bad bout of it pre vaccine.

Everyone now doesn't even bother having a test 90% the time and still claims they have it, when it could be all sorts going round, just like has always been the case. Yet they'll argue online about it (not saying you, but I'm sure you've witnessed idiots doing this?)

100% but my last bout was PCR tested at work (hospital) and I was positive.

Anyways, I've said my bit. All the best. Unsubbed.

Are you Skipper?
Do you even debate?
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Youtube is full of people with pet Lions & Tigers
However they are still not something you can "just keep" as a pet...

Both because they require special handling to keep you safe, and because they require special training for you to keep them safe and well, not to mention a lot more space than a domestic cat, and if it gets out it's a rather more serious problem.

I suppose I should have qualified that answer with "in the UK" as there are, sadly, a number of places where you can keep them as pets (usually badly).
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