COVID-19 (Coronavirus) discussion

Other than the collateral damage from covid restrictions (mammoth waiting list, lots of undiagnosed cancers, poor education outcomes and massive public debt etc) this thread is about the only reminder of covid in the UK at the moment..
Don't forget about the best in class, £150 mill platinum level zero outcome 4 Yr covid inquiry!

A wankfest of "I don't recall that", "I've lost all my whatsapp messages", "that's not my understanding", "I was unaware at the time" etc etc
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Does UK still have lots of plastic sneeze guard screens up around tills?

Not really thought about it in awhile but I think the last couple of shops I use which still had them got rid of them in the middle of December IIRC. Personally thought they weren't a bad idea in general though.
If it is the bleach usage that's an issue, it's not an outright lie, although I'm more than happy to say he actually didn't use the word bleach:

"Bleach is the generic name for any chemical product that is used industrially or domestically to remove colour (whitening) from fabric or fiber (in a process called bleaching) or to disinfect after cleaning."

Still waiting for a reply to this @ianh

Apparently asking you about this in another thread is me trolling... @Maccy ...yet calling me a LIAR is perfectly fine :)
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Millions, maybe even billions of people now have had the vaccine and had no adverse or ill effects at all. Some people will react badly to aspirin it’s just the nature of the human body.

There certainly isn’t any conspiracy.
I think those that think there's a conspiracy are overly excitable. I do think the vaccine was rushed and some things were overlooked, all of this will come out in due time, that said I think it probably did more good than harm. However, at the same time wasn't it amazing seeing the world rally together towards a common goal/cause for a change?
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Florida are moving to stop using mRNA vaccines and replace them with other types of vaccine over the failure to complete full testing of them.

Apparently, completion of this testing was a requirement for the emergency approvals. At this point there is no evidence that it's been completed, or if it has, they've not made the results public.
However, at the same time wasn't it amazing seeing the world rally together towards a common goal/cause for a change?

Well it was until the EU sent in special forces to try and steal UK stocks from what turned out to be a toilet factory.

Or when an EU leader slandered the 'UK vaccine' which increased vaccine hesitancy and probably caused thousands of unnecessary deaths all because Boris is bigger than him..

Today I was at another supermarket. A customer on self scan was screaming at the assistant as she didn't want the assistant to remove the security tag from the electric toothbrush heads. Another staff member said the woman is known in the store who doesn't want others to touch her shopping! Doesn't this OTT panic woman realise that stuff is handled by many hands from the production place or factory , then the staff member putting the item on the shelf, if the product requires the codes (dates) to be checked - code checker goes through the items and then, goodness knows how many customers with their runny noses, grubby hands etc? In the end, the poor assistant had to wrap the toothbrush heads in the blue roll before removing the tag.

Bet she is still spraying her goods with antibacterial spray and/or leave them for 48 hours in 'quarantine' before she touches them at home.
Today I was at another supermarket. A customer on self scan was screaming at the assistant as she didn't want the assistant to remove the security tag from the electric toothbrush heads. Another staff member said the woman is known in the store who doesn't want others to touch her shopping! Doesn't this OTT panic woman realise that stuff is handled by many hands from the production place or factory , then the staff member putting the item on the shelf, if the product requires the codes (dates) to be checked - code checker goes through the items and then, goodness knows how many customers with their runny noses, grubby hands etc? In the end, the poor assistant had to wrap the toothbrush heads in the blue roll before removing the tag.

Bet she is still spraying her goods with antibacterial spray and/or leave them for 48 hours in 'quarantine' before she touches them at home.
I mean, at that stage it's not relating to Covid... It's just a mental health issue that isn't being dealt with.
Are we ever going to hear back from Ianh? As someone who is the reason why we can't have nice things, I'd like to know.

Or is this poster posting in bad faith/unable to be reasonable? Time will tell. It certainly makes you chuckle when people dish it out but can't even reply when things don't go their way, it says a lot about someone.

And somewhat ironically this whole episode illustrates the point I made in the first place when I assumed another poster was a Trump fan :cry: Trump seems to attract unreasonable people, I wonder why that is? COVID deniers, climate boiling, flat earthers etc, very closely related.
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Are we ever going to hear back from Ianh? As someone who is the reason why we can't have nice things, I'd like to know.

Or is this poster posting in bad faith/unable to be reasonable? Time will tell. It certainly makes you chuckle when people dish it out but can't even reply when things don't go their way, it says a lot about someone.

And somewhat ironically this whole episode illustrates the point I made in the first place when I assumed another poster was a Trump fan :cry: Trump seems to attract unreasonable people, I wonder why that is? COVID deniers, climate boiling, flat earthers etc, very closely related.
I mean, at this stage it's not relating to Covid... It's just a mental health issue that isn't being dealt with.
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Florida are moving to stop using mRNA vaccines and replace them with other types of vaccine over the failure to complete full testing of them.

Apparently, completion of this testing was a requirement for the emergency approvals. At this point there is no evidence that it's been completed, or if it has, they've not made the results public.
Trust the science m8
Are we ever going to hear back from Ianh? As someone who is the reason why we can't have nice things, I'd like to know.

Or is this poster posting in bad faith/unable to be reasonable? Time will tell. It certainly makes you chuckle when people dish it out but can't even reply when things don't go their way, it says a lot about someone.

And somewhat ironically this whole episode illustrates the point I made in the first place when I assumed another poster was a Trump fan :cry: Trump seems to attract unreasonable people, I wonder why that is? COVID deniers, climate boiling, flat earthers etc, very closely related.

I bet you have lots of friends.

Florida are moving to stop using mRNA vaccines and replace them with other types of vaccine over the failure to complete full testing of them.

Apparently, completion of this testing was a requirement for the emergency approvals. At this point there is no evidence that it's been completed, or if it has, they've not made the results public.
It doesn't look like any of the UK msm outlets are gonna surface this news, should be far more prominent given that state is bigger than many countries.
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