COVID-19 (Coronavirus) discussion

It doesn't look like any of the UK msm outlets are gonna surface this news, should be far more prominent given that state is bigger than many countries.
That state has also had one of the worst records for Covid deaths even accounting for demographics out of anywhere in the western world from memory....IIRC they even sacked one of their statisticians because she wouldn't falsify infection data to make it look better for them, and then tried to prosecute her for using the public systems to get that same data and publish it...
IIRC they also deliberately showed a falling death rate when it was actually rising and fought for over two years to keep that data secret, when it should legally have been open from the word go.

So I wouldn't place much on Florida's decision making, as much of it was purely political in an attempt to get the governor ready for his presidential run, the same governor who has left the state with massive ongoing legal bills because he tried to force his personal (well politically expedient) views on companies there, and was stupid enough to say that he was actively trying to punish them with very specific new laws for not going along with him.
Omg personal attack.

You're another one who goes all quiet as soon as you come up against argument where you have to backtrack.

If you can't have a conversation then perhaps messaging board isn't for you? Stick to Twitter perhaps? Facebook?

Ianh made a pretty comprehensive post showing exactly what he thought about your initial comment. He probably didn't feel he needed to engage much further with you.

Maybe he had a busy job, things to do, a better use of his time, a life outside the forum?

The fact you latched onto it and kept fishing for a reply and trying to find other members to back you up implies that maybe message boards aren't good for your mental health.

Take a deep breath and go post about something that doesn't wind you up so much.
Ianh made a pretty comprehensive post showing exactly what he thought about your initial comment. He probably didn't feel he needed to engage much further with you.

Maybe he had a busy job, things to do, a better use of his time, a life outside the forum?

The fact you latched onto it and kept fishing for a reply and trying to find other members to back you up implies that maybe message boards aren't good for your mental health.

Take a deep breath and go post about something that doesn't wind you up so much.

'mental health'
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That state has also had one of the worst records for Covid deaths even accounting for demographics out of anywhere in the western world from memory....IIRC they even sacked one of their statisticians because she wouldn't falsify infection data to make it look better for them, and then tried to prosecute her for using the public systems to get that same data and publish it...
IIRC they also deliberately showed a falling death rate when it was actually rising and fought for over two years to keep that data secret, when it should legally have been open from the word go.

So I wouldn't place much on Florida's decision making, as much of it was purely political in an attempt to get the governor ready for his presidential run, the same governor who has left the state with massive ongoing legal bills because he tried to force his personal (well politically expedient) views on companies there, and was stupid enough to say that he was actively trying to punish them with very specific new laws for not going along with him.
I'm guessing he's a republican/big Trump supporter.

Bloody awful news, younger than I am as well.
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Derek had one of the quickest minds in politics back in the day, one of the original "spin doctors".

The first Covid wave was the most damaging, and we had no vaccines for.

I can understand the lasting effects of Covid, the changing symptoms, and slowly going down hill.

Long covid is the wolf in sheep's clothing, silently stalking people.

I finally got my ct scan back today, after waiting over 5 months for the results.

Thankfully both my lungs and heart seem to be in good health. No damage to either.

The only downside is I still don't know what is causing my drop in oxygen when moving around.

The latest theories are it's to do with blood circulation or the mitochondrial system being damaged.

I hope the researchers can start thinking about meditations soon as I'm gradually going downhill.
Unfortunately I don't think there is one form of long COVID or even a narrow range - something especially the deniers are ignoring is that the disease can infect cells over a relatively wide area of the body, unlike the common similar diseases in circulation which generally don't spread beyond the respiratory tract, with the result of temporary or permanent changes which can disrupt the normal healthy process of various things including how our bodies produce various things like blood cells or the production of things like insulin, etc. etc.

Even a lot of people who think they've recovered from COVID may be left with underlying damage which may manifest in later life or just drags them down a bit without them really understanding or fully noticing it or with smaller complications, though COVID doesn't have a monopoly on it and it can occur with other diseases in circulation but generally far less usual.

EDIT: And not meant as "long COVID isn't real" - but I also strongly suspect half of cases of "long COVID" are people getting attention for pre-existing conditions they've felt too embarrassed or don't want to be a bother, etc. for before, not to diminish long COVID, but that is also a problem of its own as well.
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I finally got my ct scan back today, after waiting over 5 months for the results.

Thankfully both my lungs and heart seem to be in good health. No damage to either.

The only downside is I still don't know what is causing my drop in oxygen when moving around.

The latest theories are it's to do with blood circulation or the mitochondrial system being damaged.

I hope the researchers can start thinking about meditations soon as I'm gradually going downhill.
Did they do a xenon diffusion CT scan ? Ordinary imaging/contrast can fail to show post Covid damage.
Back around July 2020 I was one of 50,000 people on a Vaccine Trial before Margaret Keegan got hers in December 2020.
With those figures I certainly don't think it was rushed, in fact one of the most tested vaccines ever.
I was on placebo's and had my proper one on January 12th 2021.

Some of the stages of testing are usually 3-5 years so in that respect the vaccines have been rushed, to some degree the higher number of people taking part in trials might offset some aspects of that but not everything. The emergency authorisation documents show quite a few steps were skipped or deferred in testing, it is like no one ever read those documents, even if some of those steps are nominally done out of an abundance of caution and have good reasoning for skipping like some of the carcinogenic testing.

I still have a lot of issue with the messaging of how the vaccines were just the same vaccines we've always had just tweaked - that was only true for some of them (attenuated virus, etc.) and those didn't actually turn out so well with AZ withdrawn out of an abundance of caution, while the mRNA/protein based ones are nothing like vaccines we've had before aside from being delivered via an injection.
Back around July 2020 I was one of 50,000 people on a Vaccine Trial before Margaret Keegan got hers in December 2020.
With those figures I certainly don't think it was rushed, in fact one of the most tested vaccines ever.
I was on placebo's and had my proper one on January 12th 2021.
Indeed and people don't realise that things can be done much more quickly with a wartime-like mobilisation of resources. The COVID vaccines and the mRNA technology in particular are a miracle of modern science and could well have significant benefits for humanity into the future.
Indeed and people don't realise that things can be done much more quickly with a wartime-like mobilisation of resources. The COVID vaccines and the mRNA technology in particular are a miracle of modern science and could well have significant benefits for humanity into the future.

Pfizer immediately threw 2000 experts at it and an open cheque book which other trials could only dream of.
Some of the stages of testing are usually 3-5 years so in that respect the vaccines have been rushed, to some degree the higher number of people taking part in trials might offset some aspects of that but not everything. The emergency authorisation documents show quite a few steps were skipped or deferred in testing, it is like no one ever read those documents, even if some of those steps are nominally done out of an abundance of caution and have good reasoning for skipping like some of the carcinogenic testing.

I still have a lot of issue with the messaging of how the vaccines were just the same vaccines we've always had just tweaked - that was only true for some of them (attenuated virus, etc.) and those didn't actually turn out so well with AZ withdrawn out of an abundance of caution, while the mRNA/protein based ones are nothing like vaccines we've had before aside from being delivered via an injection.

AZ is a new type of vaccine though. The only traditional ones are Sinovac (and such) and Novavax. The latter of which we only get here.
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