COVID-19 (Coronavirus) discussion

Exactly, so why bring it up ? That part of your comment is completely redundant. And, this whole GB topic is deflecting from the fact that you lied about your NHS Trust reporting a Covid vaccine related death.

Where the **** did I lie?
You need to take that back.

It is a covid vaccine related death, it's on the Death Certificate and went to Inquest, what have I lied about?
All I did was mention that some vaccines can cause that condition, it's you getting your panties in a twist over absolutely nothing.
Honestly just stay out of it if you're going to make slanderous accusations about me.
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And yet the nightingale hospitals thrown up at great expense saw practically zero patients

100%, we didn't need them but the media, public and opposition went on and on and on and on about it so the Govt which I hate had to build some knowing we'd got no staff to put in them, we had no staff in our own hospitals.
I completely 100% blame the media and Labour for those Nightingale hospitals.
Where the **** did I lie?
You need to take that back.

It is a covid vaccine related death, it's on the Death Certificate and went to Inquest, what have I lied about?
All I did was mention that any vaccine can cause that condition, it's you getting your panties in a twist over absolutely nothing.
Honestly just stay out of it if you're going to make slanderous accusations about me.
Climb off your high horse. You initially stated "the closest we came to a vaccine death ..." and then went on to mention GB syndrome blah, blah, blah, second largest Trust blah, blah etc. But you couched your words in a way that tried to intimate no vaccine deaths occurred. It took prodding and prompting for you to admit that someone did die.
So, I won't apologise for my comments, nor will I retract them.
Climb off your high horse. You initially stated "the closest we came to a vaccine death ..." and then went on to mention GB syndrome blah, blah, blah, second largest Trust blah, blah etc. But you couched your words in a way that tried to intimate no vaccine deaths occurred. It took prodding and prompting for you to admit that someone did die.
So, I won't apologise for my comments, nor will I retract them.

I didn't lie and the 'closest' comment are my thoughts not the Trusts.
I/Me/Myself and not anybody else thought it was unfair to call it a covid vaccine related death when other vaccines can cause that syndrome and eventual death.
I didn't lie and the 'closest' comment are my thoughts not the Trusts.
I/Me/Myself and not anybody else thought it was unfair to call it a covid vaccine related death when other vaccines can cause that syndrome and eventual death.
So, you'll only accept a death if it is caused by some "unique" mechanism not previously observed with other treatments ? Bizarre.
So, you'll only accept a death if it is caused by some "unique" mechanism not previously observed with other treatments ? Bizarre.

On that ONE case and only one, I/Me/Myself thought it was unfair to call it a Covid vaccine related death.
That's it, it is me, nobody else and you shouldn't get your nickers in a twist about it.
I'm allowed my own opinions and you can rest easy that the Coroner and Pathologist wrote Covid on the Death Certificate.

Just to explain where I'm coming from.
It's like when you see a news headline saying "NHS worker caught stealing in Morrisons" and I think why can't it just be "Woman caught stealing in Morrisons"?
I didn't think it was necessary to put what vaccine it was when that syndrome can be caused by other vaccines.
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On that ONE case and only one, I/Me/Myself thought it was unfair to call it a Covid vaccine related death.
That's it, it is me, nobody else and you shouldn't get your nickers in a twist about it.
I'm allowed my own opinions and you can rest easy that the Coroner and Pathologist wrote Covid on the Death Certificate.

Just to explain where I'm coming from.
It's like when you see a news headline saying "NHS worker caught stealing in Morrisons" and I think why can't it just be "Woman caught stealing in Morrisons"?
I didn't think it was necessary to put what vaccine it was when that syndrome can be caused by other vaccines.
Due to the number of vaccines that are given out to the population it isn't that much of a surprise that people die or become seriously ill as a result. Everyone has different medical conditions and immunity so how can they possibly account for every single combination of problems, they have to rely on clinical trials to get basic data and add to it as the number of doses given increase.
Most of the deaths recorded over the pandemic weren't just covid deaths but deaths with covid as a part of the overall cause of death.
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An interesting new study about N95 masks and the P100 respirator.


Covid is back, and so are the Covid extremists. We are once again witnessing demands for the return of face masks in hospitals on social media, even in newspaper leader columns, though there is little evidence they prevented the spread of the virus in the first place.

The call comes after masks were made mandatory in hospitals and healthcare centres in Spain this week following a surge in respiratory illnesses. Spain’s minority coalition government imposed the measures despite opposition from many of Spain’s 17 autonomous regions, who argued the measures should be recommended but not obligatory.

In the UK, the usual suspects are once again sharing all the latest coronavirus data. Remember the R-rate? It’s currently 1.06, apparently. The lockdown zealots are also back posting graphs of Covid hospital admissions in England, which have increased by 7 per cent in a week (although acute bed occupancy has remained flat).

Because our intensive care departments aren’t overflowing, they have been forced to downplay the fact that few people are getting seriously ill from Covid, choosing instead to talk up the risks of long Covid.

What’s interesting about all this fretting is that no one really seems to care any more. Perhaps it’s the effect of a Christmas plagued by three different viruses: flu, the JN.1 variant of Covid and rhinovirus, which causes the common cold.

The latest data suggests that respiratory infections have been steadily rising since the summer in all age groups, but particularly among those aged between five and 14 who are then transmitting these infections to other family members.

Was it just me, or did everyone seem to have some sort of cough or cold over the festive period? And yet there was no widespread panic, presumably to the dismay of the face-mask fanatics.

The nation has reverted, it seems, to the rational position of accepting that people do just get ill sometimes, and in the most extreme cases, they unfortunately die.

Life expectancy may be down – not just because of people dying with Covid but because of it. The excess deaths figures suggest that it was lockdowns – which some Covid fanatics would have us live with in perpetuity – that wrought terrible damage on our health. We need to move on.
We are once again witnessing demands for the return of face masks in hospitals

We've always worn masks in certain departments/situations since I started in 2008.
I'd go to a department way before Covid and I'd be asked to put a mask on because we've known since Florence Nightingale that masks work IF WORN CORRECTLY.
My Mum was in and out between 2015 to 2019 and we relatives always had to wear a mask when visiting her.
I've said before if it can be proved beyond doubt that masks are useless then the NHS could save billions.
Since non mask wearing I've started to get coughs and colds again and colleagues around me, we never had any when we were wearing masks.
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This doesn't make any sense - what are you trying to say ?
I am saying that COVID and diseases that are now returning due to increased vaccine scepticism (such as measles) have caused millions of deaths; the vaccines have saved lives and preserved people's health, not taken them.
I've been wearing a mask whilst shopping since they were mandatory, and have continued wearing one since.

Didn't catch covid (touches wood) and haven't had a an inkling of a cold, flu or cough, since.

Mask working or a coincidence?, dunno, but I'll continue to wear a mask indefinately, it seems.

The problem with covid, or any chronic illness, is you won't notice the number of ill people because they disappear from social society.

I was skeptical about covid early on. But then I noticed though people weren't dying as much from acute covid, they were either dying from, or living with chronic covid symptoms.

Covid damaged my oxygen circulation, and though I would test negative today, 13 months after my oxygen circulation still hasn't returned to normal.

Covid these days is less about immediate death and more about an accumulation of symptoms that can go on for years. I've seen many people only recover after years of symptoms.

The more times you get covid the more you risk long term symptoms.
The problem with covid, or any chronic illness, is you won't notice the number of ill people because they disappear from social society.

A lot of people with certain illnesses don't necessarily tell everyone and as it's not obvious a lot of people who might know them might just notice they've not seen them much but not give it much thought.
If you've got something that limits how much energy/ability to do stuff, one of the first things to be dropped is how often, and where you'll go out because the likes of pleasure/leisure activities tend to get dropped in favour of "essential" activities which might include work, or simply keeping things going at home.

I know people who are quite ill but if you saw them briefly when they were having a "good day" or willing to put up with the later consequences you probably wouldn't notice they were struggling, or that they were ill. It's been a common issue for a lot of people who have some chronic illnesses that aren't visible.
The excess deaths figures suggest that it was lockdowns

That is BS the excess death patterns lead ahead of the implementation of lockdowns and reduced with them, though there will be some excess deaths due to lockdowns but that is largely a lose-lose situation which could have been much worse if things went the other way.

A lot of the reason we had lockdowns at all was excess death figures spiking panicking governments.

EDIT: This government wouldn't give a **** if deaths were within normal ranges, it was only the spectre of the possibility of people dying on the streets which motivated them to change trajectory on COVID.
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That is BS the excess death patterns lead ahead of the implementation of lockdowns and reduced with them, though there will be some excess deaths due to lockdowns but that is largely a lose-lose situation which could have been much worse if things went the other way.

A lot of the reason we had lockdowns at all was excess death figures spiking panicking governments.

EDIT: This government wouldn't give a **** if deaths were within normal ranges, it was only the spectre of the possibility of people dying on the streets which motivated them to change trajectory on COVID.
Almost all panicking is caused by the media hyping things up.
1.9 million people (2.9% of the population) with lasting symptoms of covid.

That report is from last March. I suspect the number is higher now.

Long covid is defined as symptoms lasting longer than 12 weeks.

So the Telegraph goes off on another anti-lockdown anti-any common sense rant, again. Quelle surprise. They're so close to being CT covid deniers its untrue they just reign it enough to avoid going completely pants on head, but only just.

EDIT: This government wouldn't give a **** if deaths were within normal ranges, it was only the spectre of the possibility of people dying on the streets which motivated them to change trajectory on COVID.
That and the spectre of the NHS utterly collapsing under the weight of patients they didn't have the manpower to treat and the utter political ********* that would ensue.

All the moneys spent on furlough were worth it to avoid the political embarressment.
Yours etc, B. Johnson.
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