COVID-19 (Coronavirus) discussion

Had 4 out of a group of 17 I work with all go down with it early June, they got 5 days away from work with it (3 mid-week + weekend) and on return 1 was still in obvious recovery. This batch seems to have died out for now, just awaiting the new batch.
Is there a new wave going about? Got sent home from office last week because of a covid breakout, I thought this all moved on by now.

I've had a mate ring me tonight and he says he practised with a band last Thursday and all 6 of them have come down with Covid.
Two of them tested positive at work today so they are making the assumption the other four have it because of the symptoms.
It will never move on, it will be like colds & flu with new variants coming out all the time hopefully not killing as many or putting them in hospital.
When do you think you guys will stop testing/caring considering the rest of the country has? I mean what's the line in sand considering it's not going to go away?
If I'm unwell (cold/flu/cough etc) I keep away from people and you can only hope others can do the same. I guess someone that doesn't do this isn't going to even consider testing to confirm what they think they have.
You most certainly have a point but if the advice to do something comes from our peers in the Country I'm living in then I won't be an idiot and not follow it.
This rule you have would have seen you report your Jewish neighbour in Nazi Germany.

Hundreds of respected medical professionals, scientists and country governments had the complete opposite advice to what the UK government enforced. Yet you chose to follow some and not others. Not only that, you put your trust in a bunch of known, lying weasels in Downing Street, then put the same trust in pharmaceutical companies who have previously been guilty of falsifying data, fudging numbers and paying the largest fines in human history.

Your moral judgment to see you through life is "do what they tell me". The old saying "if they told you to jump off a cliff, would you?". You sir, are a shining beacon of blind compliancy and it is frightening.

And it's 137. ;)
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When do you think you guys will stop testing/caring considering the rest of the country has? I mean what's the line in sand considering it's not going to go away?
I have heaps of boxes so i test because i have them (it was only a few months back that our work stopped "insisting" on testing before coming on site, now they simply request us to test if we feel under the weather.

i am fine testing because 1) i can WFH and work is supportive if we get covid anyway and 2) i have the tests and they were free. (admittedly they recently went out of date but hell, some of my athsma inhalers went out of date in 2018 and they still work :D )

once i have gotten through my pile of freebies i will likely still continue to test if i feel under the weather however... mostly so i know to keep away from my parents and also because i do not want it on my consience if i accidentally spread it to someone at risk.
As for the rest of the country............ I cant control what others do only what i can do.

and as for the comment (from someone else) comparing sticking to covid rules to people shopping in Jews to the nazis. That is not only offensive but also way off the mark. Lockdown, and the social distancing and mask wearing and the vaccine was designed to save lives not to kill people....... You can legitimately argue with hindsite mistakes were made, but everyone has 20:20 vision with hindsite. I know some here would rather have gone with BoJos let the bodies pile up until we get herd immunity.

personally my conscience could never have let me support that. The problem is (and in a way it is like politics from fringe parties who will never win) it is easy to say now what should have been done because it can never be tested.
Lets imagine the government decided to ignore the pandemic and carried on business as ususal.

the NHS had been overwhelmed with literally piles of bodies waiting to be burned and no one able to go to hospital for anything even not covid related. Am sure the same people now complaining about lockdown and their personal freedoms which were being eroded would be complaining about how we were totally betrayed then as well.

1 thing i will say............ The government didnt really follow the science. the scientific advisors you could argue sold out somewhat but i can say very confidently that people like Chris Whitty were not happy with how the government reacted to the pandemic.... (incredibly slowly)
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This rule you have would have seen you report your Jewish neighbour in Nazi Germany.

Hundreds of respected medical professionals, scientists and country governments had the complete opposite advice to what the UK government enforced. Yet you chose to follow some and not others. Not only that, you put your trust in a bunch of known, lying weasels in Downing Street, then put the same trust in pharmaceutical companies who have previously been guilty of falsifying data, fudging numbers and paying the largest fines in human history.

Your moral judgment to see you through life is "do what they tell me". The old saying "if they told you to jump off a cliff, would you?". You sir, are a shining beacon of blind compliancy and it is frightening.

And it's 137. ;)
Do you follow all the laws and rules of this country or do you just decide to do want you want regardless of the rest of the country?
This rule you have would have seen you report your Jewish neighbour in Nazi Germany.

Hundreds of respected medical professionals, scientists and country governments had the complete opposite advice to what the UK government enforced. Yet you chose to follow some and not others. Not only that, you put your trust in a bunch of known, lying weasels in Downing Street, then put the same trust in pharmaceutical companies who have previously been guilty of falsifying data, fudging numbers and paying the largest fines in human history.

Your moral judgment to see you through life is "do what they tell me". The old saying "if they told you to jump off a cliff, would you?". You sir, are a shining beacon of blind compliancy and it is frightening.

And it's 137. ;)

I work in conjunction with Infection Control at the hospital and they were giving out the same advice as the Health Professionals speaking on behalf of the Government. Our hospital was in turmoil with Covid patients and many staff absent so he'll yeah I'm going to follow their advice.
Like I said many times, I'd probably be a sad conspiracy theorist if I hadn't worked in the job I do. I'd probably be spouting the same garbage as CTers but I was unfortunate to see the other side and still seeing it.
Currently we have over 100 Covid patients but none in ICU.
Believe what you want.
Do you follow all the laws and rules of this country or do you just decide to do want you want regardless of the rest of the country?
Well, it depends. If it's likely to land me in big trouble I'll probably follow the law. Those rules usually align with my personal values anyway (for example, don't kill, steal, rape etc etc). Other rules that go against my values, I'm more likely to ignore them when I can get away with it. For example, speeding, mask mandates, lockdowns, the odd sale here and there on eBay without declaring it on my self assessment.

I did not wear a mask. I did not lock down and I occasionally speed when I think it's safe to do so.

To quote Morpheus, some rules can be bent, others can be broken.
Well, it depends. If it's likely to land me in big trouble I'll probably follow the law. Those rules usually align with my personal values anyway (for example, don't kill, steal, rape etc etc). Other rules that go against my values, I'm more likely to ignore them when I can get away with it. For example, speeding, mask mandates, lockdowns, the odd sale here and there on eBay without declaring it on my self assessment.

I did not wear a mask. I did not lock down and I occasionally speed when I think it's safe to do so.

To quote Morpheus, some rules can be bent, others can be broken.
So your moral compass is I do what I want if I have a chance of getting away with it? Says it all really doesn't it?
Lots of people getting it this year, family, colleagues. Seems to be a summer tradition now. Seems to knock people out for a couple of days. I always wonder what long term damage it’ll do to us all. I just wish people would stay away from work when they are unwell, the number who come in coughing their guts up is just disgusting, I don’t want your germs, just stay home.
I did not wear a mask. I did not lock down and I occasionally speed when I think it's safe to do so.

To quote Morpheus, some rules can be bent, others can be broken.
so you went into private businesses and deliberately didnt wear a mask, thus forcing your view on the poor staff who you exposed yourself to?

seems disrespectful to me, even if you didnt personally believe in masks.
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