COVID-19 (Coronavirus) discussion

17 Oct 2002
Fife, Scotland
Re: vaccine pros vs cons

The entire argument of some people in here is deeply flawed. It usually goes like this:

"X amount of people died from Covid but only Y died or had complications from the Vaccine". Number X is higher than number Y, so it must be a good thing to be Vaxxed.

Let's assume that the X number is correct, which is dubious -to say the least - because of how the numbers were tallied up (with covid vs of covid).

Let's also assume the people who died were not vaccinated.

Here's the sticking point; we have no idea if their life would be saved by the Vaccine. The data available is laughable by anyone with a brain.

On the flip side of the coin, we know exactly how many vaccine side effects would be stopped by not taking the vaccine (answer: all of them).
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17 Oct 2002
Fife, Scotland
My wife and I have covid at the moment, positive tests on Saturday afternoon.

I was struck first, so came from me… no idea where I got it from.

Wife is having a harder time of it, I do get the yearly jags tho, so perhaps that’s helped me.
Hope you and the missus make a swift recovery.

I was never jabbed. Had Covid once that I know of in maybe mid 2020. Was in bed for 2 days feeling poorly then back to normal. Never been ill since (touch wood).
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