Craig Charles the Crack Addict?

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18 Oct 2002
Wonder if it'll hurt him more in the longrun, i mean look at that dieing looking cow Kate Moss, shes been on tv more since she was caught doing crack.
11 Apr 2006
by the sea
loved him in red dwarf, huge, huge robot wars fan when i was a kid, and think takeshi's castle is a great bit of no-brainer tv

shame on the mirror tbh
i'm not condoning hard drug use, but truely disgusted at the lengths these 'journalists' go to for stories
and at that, stories that will ruin peoples lives

yes, it might be the kick up the bum he needs to go and get help, but it could also loose him his relationship, the respect of his family, and his job

this guy, and all like him (if true) needs help, not this kind of rubbish
11 Nov 2003
South Yorkshire
Well, that's just sealed it for me - The Mirror is officially the home of the world's most horrible people. How on earth they can justify printing that is beyond me.

Fine, make the dossier of evidence available to police - that's the right thing to do. But to pillory the guy in this sensationalist fashion is utterly reckless. His employers have no choice but to suspend him (and, I suspect, sack him in the end) otherwise they will appear to condone what he's done.

From the article, it seems that he's harming nobody but himself - he's conscious enough of his problem to take it away from his family. How on earth will his kids feel hearing about it in this way? I suspect the people at The Mirror really don't care as long as it sells them some newspapers.

He needs help to break his habit, not to be publicly vilified for it.
13 Aug 2004
Bigstan said:
I am a long time critic of the sensationalist way in which the media (tabloids in particular) report this sort thing.
I agree with what has been said about the fact that this will probably ruin the guy's life just for the sake of selling a few extra copies of their tawdry little rag - utterly contemptible imho :mad:

The editor of the mirror is probably on crack right now!

fatiain said:
Richard Feynman, one of the great Physics minds of the 20th Century smoked a bit of dope. Does this make him less credible?

Frued was a big crack addict aswell, yet a lot of people study his theories.
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15 Sep 2005
xyphic said:
... I suspect the people at The Mirror really don't care as long as it sells them some newspapers...

not that i'm a big mail fan myself, but why should they care?
they're in the newspaper selling business not celebrity promotion and welfare.
9 May 2005

People in the entertainment industry take drugs?!?!

But they all seem so clean-cut to me....

(Pun firmly intended.)

11 Nov 2003
South Yorkshire
MrWhippy said:
not that i'm a big mail fan myself, but why should they care?
they're in the newspaper selling business not celebrity promotion and welfare.
Um, because they might be decent human beings who care about how the news they report will affect those indirectly involved? Like it or not, this story is going to have a profound effect on Craig Charles' family, especially his kids. This could have been handled much more discreetly to minimise the emotional hurt it's inevitably going to cause. Nowhere am I saying that they should have just buried it, but let the police deal with it, and let him get the help he needs out of the public eye.

But they aren't decent human beings, obviously. They only care about selling their newspapers - to me no job is worth stooping as low as this.
15 Sep 2005
xyphic said:
Um, because they might be decent human beings who care about how the news they report will affect those indirectly involved? Like it or not, this story is going to have a profound effect on Craig Charles' family, especially his kids. This could have been handled much more discreetly to minimise the emotional hurt it's inevitably going to cause. Nowhere am I saying that they should have just buried it, but let the police deal with it, and let him get the help he needs out of the public eye.

But they aren't decent human beings, obviously. They only care about selling their newspapers - to me no job is worth stooping as low as this.

i don't think that's much of an answer. journalists and newspaper editors are contracted to write and publish material that will sell and where possible increase their circulations. it's what they are paid to do. to not report this story in as sensational a way as they can (and aim at increased readership figures) would be neglecting their duties to their employers.

i just don't see how the moral responsibility for any damage (to charles' friends and family) lies with the papers.

personally, i don't care if he does drugs. that's his choice. but surely he and he alone is responsible for any negative impact that might affect his family (unless someone forced/tricked him into it).

i'm not ecstatic to find myself defending the gutter press here, but to be honest i think this is exactly what they exist to do, and so long as them doing this sort of sensationalist expose works, ie. increases circulation, then that is what their customers want.

yeah it would be nice if they reported the bare minimum facts and passed on their evidence to the plod and got charles fixed up with a rehab clinic, but come on, they're not his gaurdian angels. if anyone should be looking out for charles, it's charles himself, followed by his family, friends and management in that order.
9 May 2005
pugster said:
The NHS is swamped by alcohol+smoking related diseases compared to anything caused by illegal drug use ,it would save a lot of money if we turned all smokers+drinkers into crack addicts and visa versa :D

Tobacco and alcohol kill more people each year than all illegal drugs combined...


That said, I'd still rather any child of mine (not literally a 'child' - turn of phrase ;)) took a couple of bong hits with their friends at weekends than smoked ten a day.

ballistic said:
She was dropped by channel, burberry and H&M (who had a 4 million contract with her), although she's making a comeback.


She lost three minor contracts, she kept many major ones and has since signed a few more major ones.

Cocaine use is supposedly not too uncommon in these modelling circles, they use it to stay slim or because they can't handle the pressure/stupid.

Ah...Don't you just love uneducated opinions? ;)

nin9abadga said:
most models smoke.

No they don't :/

fatiain said:
Shakespeare was on crack?

Many artists, scientists and the like have taken drugs. Churchill used to knock back tons of amphetamines during the war. I fail to see why recreational drug use makes one less credible.

Brilliantly put, my good man...I've been trying to abstain from Hicks quotes of late but...

Bill Hicks said:
See I think drugs have done some good things for us. If you don't think drugs have done good things for us then do me a favour. Go home tonight and take all of your records, tapes and all your CD's and burn them. Because, you know all those musicians who made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years? Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreal ******* high on drugs, man.

Hicks...Again. The man was a prophet said:
I have taken drugs before...... and I had a really great time.

Didn't rob anybody, didn't rape anybody, didn't lose hhhhmmmmmm one ******* job, laughed my ass off, and went about my day. Sorry!

9 Apr 2004
Nr. brumijum
Having been around hard drug users (read crack/cocain and heroine addicts) i can't see him taking 60 decent hits in such a short period of time. Well, he didnt, it's a simple as that. No question whatoever. In order to take that kind of dose on the chin he would need to be a very very regular user, and i'm talking supping crack like I smoke roll-ups, and we can be sure that he isnt. Being as he holds down a demanding job on the coro set, and never sounds off his rocker on the radio.
As for him having a smoke (crack) on a friday. I have nothing at all against that.
It's a dangerous game, but that's his choice, as it has been with others. And why on earth would that detract from my enjoyment of Red Dwarf or his radio show?. Simply put it wont.
As for him having a crack den... Lol tbh, i mean, a millionaire doesnt need to dwell in such a place. There are places that people can go, or people who will clean up.
Just more chewing gum for the eyes tbh. I've no doubt that he has a toke on a friday, but really, who cares?. The majority of you lot drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes, worship albums or films conceived whilst under the influence etcetc, just a giant contradiction (see CBS rocking a Hunter S. Sig - not to pick you out CBS, just that you're sporting in your sig a guy who had a long term Heroin addiction and was a prolific drinker/hard drug abuser).
25 Nov 2004
On the road....
The Truth & The Mirror are hardly bed fellows imo.

Not exactly looking great for Mr Charles, then again, it never looks good when a tabloid toilet paper gets you in their sights.

I stopped buying "news"papers completely, a good while ago for this reason.



18 Oct 2002
North West
I don't understand what the big deal is? Millions of people take drugs every weekend, cocaine, E's, Weed, Heroin etc...

Nearly everbody with money will have at least tried cocaine once in their lives.

Making an example of him just because he is famous is pretty stupid. He aint exactly mugged an old lady to pay for his drugs. He earns his money, pays his tax, buys his drugs.

Probably 25% of the popualtion do this on a weekly basis. I don't understand what the big shock about it is.
25 Nov 2004
On the road....
Jay said:
I don't understand what the big deal is? Millions of people take drugs every weekend, cocaine, E's, Weed, Heroin etc...

Nearly everbody with money will have at least tried cocaine once in their lives.

Making an example of him just because he is famous is pretty stupid. He aint exactly mugged an old lady to pay for his drugs. He earns his money, pays his tax, buys his drugs.

Probably 25% of the popualtion do this on a weekly basis. I don't understand what the big shock about it is.

Firstly, an awful lot of wealthy people neither have the desire nor need for drugs.
You seem to forget, drugs, in the main is an escape in the eyes of many users. "Taking the edge off life" is one way I'd describe it.

Its more likely a fair percentage of the poor whom will be the unfortunate ones in such a need for such an escape.

Wealth and the work thats achieved it is a far more addictive drug, I assure you.

He's made an example of as he's a celebrity, whatever the hell one of those is defined as! as a celeb, in the public eye, he has to consider he has fans, young ones at that.

He's made an example of as people in his position, in an ideal world, should set the example.

Mugging old ladies? may as well do so. Drugs and the money thats involved in the trade is a cancer on our society.

Pro rata, more kids die to drugs than OAP's to muggers.

Do some research into the drugs trade and whats behind it, speak to the families who've lost loved ones to drugs.

Go on, give it some real consideration.

Perhaps, you'll then "understand what the big shock about it is" won't you?
23 Oct 2002
R124/LA420 said:
Mugging old ladies? may as well do so. Drugs and the money thats involved in the trade is a cancer on our society.

Is that the fault of the end-user or government legislation?

That question alone would probably kick off a 5+ page thread
25 Nov 2004
On the road....
Grrrrr said:
Is that the fault of the end-user or government legislation?

That question alone would probably kick off a 5+ page thread
If the end user did'nt buy the drugs, there would be no need for the legislation I'd have thought.

No demand, no supply.
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