Cruicial M4 0009 Firmware Update

Should be a file called;


if you open the zip and then double click this file, some zip utilities will open the contents of the ISO file (WinACE is one of them) Don't do that. Just unzip the ISO not it's contents or your CD wont be bootable.
I have that zip file on my desktop but unzipping is leaving me with no iso file. I must be missing something simple this is doing my head in lol
Edit managed it god im daft :)
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Why are my read speeds down compared to most and my write speeds higher than others? I'm guessing it could be due to the size of the drive but surely I should still see 500MB/s+ Read?

This is a 240GB M4 that came with 0009 already on it.


Power saving/CPU clock speed can make a fair amount of difference to SSD speeds, I was getting similar read speeds to you until I clocked my CPU to 4.4GHz now I get the following.


If I disabled power saving I'd likely get another small bump.
Having read through the thread this has convinced me a crucial m4 is the way to go for my first ever ssd. 128gb enough for windows/office, 2 games and a few apps?
I've been running a 60gb laptop for years and have had Windows, Office, CS3/5 and iTunes fro almost the entire time. I even partitioned the rest this summer and made a Linux dual boot with about 15gigs I think. I don't really play games so I guess it hasn't been that much of an issue for me.

Obviously, I store nothing but documents on the laptop, and everything else on an external hdd.

I'm going to be using a Crucial 64GB SSD for my new 2500K build.
My Crucial M4 128 GB in my Dell Vostro 3500 (SATA 3 Gbps) with firmware 0009:


And this is the same benchmark after applying the tweaks here:


36% boost in 4k reads is quite nice. :)
problems problems problems

Guys can anyone give me some technical advice here please?

i installed my 64 GB M4 SSD today but i think i have done some thing wrong in my bios?!.
i keep getting a veriviying dmi pool data then message saying this version only supports HDD and cd rom?
But i have changed the boot order and my SSD is the 1 thats running windows? its saying i now have 30 gb left after installing ultimate 64 on it.I have tried to install the update but get a message that says could not find the SSD.
I have Gigabyte X58A-UD3R MOBO and i think i have set some thing up wrong in the bios...Changed from IDE TO AHCI.Am i putting the sata cable in the wrong port?
any help would be much appreciated
TwsT the only thing that I *Tweaked* was one option on the Intel RST software, see below.


That was set to disabled so I enabled it and ran the disk benchmark again and thats how I got the red colored results
For the people "only" getting over 250mb/s read times, is that because you're using sata 2? Are all the nearly 500mb/s using sata 3?
Help needed please!
Ok i,m having real problems here is there anyone with techy skills who can give me a run thru of how to set my SSD up?,on my gigabyte X58A-UDR3? When i say problems i mean big problems i have read this thread and i,m still none the wiser !. Its 10.30 pm now after hours of p*****g about i,m giving up for the night and going to bed!I,m not sure how to or where to change the bios from IDE to ACHI,Ihave tried putting the sata cable into port 0 port 1 and sata 3 port 6 on my board and the best read i,m getting is 119?,And write is 49.I,m doing some thing wrong but i just dont know what it is .And now my 64gb M4 is full? confused aint the word i,m hoping someone out here will take pity on me!

Thank you and goodnight!
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