Cruicial M4 0009 Firmware Update

Just bought the 128GB version of this since I am sick of my Corsair 60GB blue screening when I use sleep mode (and I am tired of running out of space). Hopefully it has the latest firmware so I can avoid the hassle of updating. Would hate to have to waste a CD :p
Help needed please!
Ok i,m having real problems here is there anyone with techy skills who can give me a run thru of how to set my SSD up?,on my gigabyte X58A-UDR3? When i say problems i mean big problems i have read this thread and i,m still none the wiser !. Its 10.30 pm now after hours of p*****g about i,m giving up for the night and going to bed!I,m not sure how to or where to change the bios from IDE to ACHI,Ihave tried putting the sata cable into port 0 port 1 and sata 3 port 6 on my board and the best read i,m getting is 119?,And write is 49.I,m doing some thing wrong but i just dont know what it is .And now my 64gb M4 is full? confused aint the word i,m hoping someone out here will take pity on me!

Thank you and goodnight!

from looking up your board, you want to use either GSATA3_6 or GSATA3_7 (Marvell 9128 chipset).
Enable AHCI, and make sure you have flashed to 0009 firmware.
How is the drive full btw? Full as in you have filled it up with progs, files etc or just full for no reason?
Thanks for he reply AZer,I did try he SSD in GSATA3_6 and was only getting read speed of 119 and write speed of 48/ Thats why i think i have set up in bios wrong?,As for full drive i dont know? battlefield 3 installed into C Drive but thats only 11 gigs/...problem is i dont know how to change the installation drive from C to F?
Oh my god this drive is awesome! My Crucial M4 128gb turned up this morning and I am blown away! Everything is just soo much more responsive! Gutted I didn't buy one sooner.
I'm getting half the speeds that you guys are, would the fact that i'm only on a Sata II 3Gbps port bottleneck my M4 256Gb that much.

Getting the same results as you... I have 3gb/s SATA too. Looks like Ive got something to look forward to in the new year when I'm going to look at updating my crappy motherboard.
I've been thinking of getting a 128 or a 256 and drop it in this system i have here which is a P5K-E wifi motherboard (P35 chipset), as anyone used these SSD on a older motherboard like a P35. Would there be any problems i may encounter?
In the near future i think i will be building a new pc, but in the mean time i would like to have a play with a SSD as a boot on this system and move it over to the new build when the time is right as a boot drive on new system which i think maybe be the Z68 chipset.
I've been thinking of getting a 128 or a 256 and drop it in this system i have here which is a P5K-E wifi motherboard (P35 chipset), as anyone used these SSD on a older motherboard like a P35. Would there be any problems i may encounter?
In the near future i think i will be building a new pc, but in the mean time i would like to have a play with a SSD as a boot on this system and move it over to the new build when the time is right as a boot drive on new system which i think maybe be the Z68 chipset.

I have mine on a Gigabyte P35-DS3, no issues here............not yet anyway.
The IDE/AHCI mode setting is for your SATA controller. Older IDE devices won't be affected.

You'll get a BSOD if Windows is already installed and you change from IDE/compatibility mode to AHCI mode, unless you change a registry setting first (Google it).
Here is my newly installed M4 64Gb, can anyone suggest why my write speeds are so off the pace? Oh and a link to an English version of AS SSD would be nice too if possible ;)

Got my RMA back on my dead M225 (another M4 :D) and RAID0ed them (SATAII):

Hi all,

Just got my 128gb m4 and have opened the box to have a nosey and have found it rattles:confused:

If I turn it upside down in my hand and then back up (just a general movement, not thrashing it) it sounds like the internals are not fixed to the casing properly. I wont be able to test it until tomorrow night although I think it will be in good working order.

Has anyone else found this with their M4?
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