Help needed please!
Ok i,m having real problems here is there anyone with techy skills who can give me a run thru of how to set my SSD up?,on my gigabyte X58A-UDR3? When i say problems i mean big problems i have read this thread and i,m still none the wiser !. Its 10.30 pm now after hours of p*****g about i,m giving up for the night and going to bed!I,m not sure how to or where to change the bios from IDE to ACHI,Ihave tried putting the sata cable into port 0 port 1 and sata 3 port 6 on my board and the best read i,m getting is 119?,And write is 49.I,m doing some thing wrong but i just dont know what it is .And now my 64gb M4 is full? confused aint the word i,m hoping someone out here will take pity on me!
Thank you and goodnight!