Basically I will sum up this entire thread / the entire internets opinions on CS:GO in 3 simple categories:
1) CS 1.6 Veterans who love the game and still play competitively: They will not like CS:GO because they do not want it to change from 1.6. Maybe they will come round eventually because CS:GO is actually more similar to 1.6 than CSS.
2) CSS players who still enjoy CSS, possibly play competitively and have mastered the gameplay of CSS eg. spray heavily etc. : Will not like this game because they are too lazy to re learn CS:GO and have become completely reliant on spraying.
3) People who have played 1.6 and CSS heavily and have become tired with the poor netcode and generally are bored of CSS : Will welcome CS:GO and find that there have actually been quite a few improvements and the new game is a refreshing break from the old games.
I think this is pretty accurate, well said!