CS:GO Discussion

well ok I forgot about that patch , but again nothing changed the game dramatically its still not as fluid as 1.6 , consistent recoil patterns , bad net code only have to look at steam stats to see it's only half as popular as 1.6

Forgot that patch, dude you forgot nearly every patch... This is the very next patch. I could go on and on and on and on, there is almost an endless list of changes since that article you listed.

• Fixed an issue in the weapon recoil system which caused tighter shot grouping than intended.
• Dead players no longer can see bomb or defuse icons on scoreboard for opposing team members.
• Recoil impulses are now more consistent for automatic weapons.
• The Movement acceleration and stopspeed values have been lowered per pro feedback.
• Slightly increased the variance of the recoil patterns.
– Updated the recoil pattern for the ak47.
• Adjusted the recoil suppression parameters to help tune burst fire.
• Fixed an issue which was causing thrown weapons to emit from the base of players, rather than their hands. Gifted weapons will now correctly throw the proper distance.

CS:S players will probably have larger problems then CS1.6 players learning the game as it uses a recoil system much closer to 1.6 then CS:S which was basically random....

Again it will take people time to learn the game, if your not willing to put in the time don't bother playing...
i dont find it friendly one bit, lets say your new to the game...... how is it friendly i been playing cs since 1.6

I didn't mean friendly as in 1.6 players can pick it up and go, however it uses a static recoil system like 1.6 rather then a random one like CS:S. That is where the similarity ends though the rest is completely new so you will have to learn the game just like you learnt 1.6...
I didn't mean friendly as in 1.6 players can pick it up and go, however it uses a static recoil system like 1.6 rather then a random one like CS:S. That is where the similarity ends though the rest is completely new so you will have to learn the game just like you learnt 1.6...

Dont you mean the other way round?
TBH I actually like the fact that it is harder to spray... I prefer it when you are rewarded for aiming well and getting headshots as opposed to just spraying constantly... I am not a noob I can compete with high end players but personally I have got sick of the amount of spraying especially in CSS where it is easier to spray then to actually aim for headshots.... Also the netcode and reg is so ****e in CSS that it is better to spray.... I actually LIKE the fact that it is more of a challenge because CSS just became tedious to me and frustrating due to the poor netcode.
well if a gun always shoots a certain way its very unrealistic after x shots it goes this way, than doing it as spray would make it swerve random etc
Funny watching people from source criticise the game so early and not wanting to move after many bleating on at 1.6 players for not moving on. After playing a decent amount to remove my this feels like arse stance, it actually feels good apart from movement (feels like you take forever to stop after releasing key.) and the sounds of the guns are awful compared to source, so easy to pick between any gun firing in source, this i find it difficult for a fair few, maybe it'll come in time but the new sound of the AK is horrible :(
well if a gun always shoots a certain way its very unrealistic after x shots it goes this way, than doing it as spray would make it swerve random etc

I have to admit I don't understand a word of what you've said here but I don't think CS is supposed to be realistic.
I have to admit I don't understand a word of what you've said here but I don't think CS is supposed to be realistic.

im sorry you dont understand what im trying to say, I watched a video about when you shoot it sways one way then another, what im trying to say is id prefer where the game doesnt do the same thing all the time when I shoot more of a I shoot if im moving it will sway more in favor to how im moving or maybe recoil up or sideways not the same pattern
Yeah that sounds great, shut your eyes and hope for the best.

I just meant for when you just pick up any random gun and need to go for it, noobs wont know about patterns and the game doesnt exactly tell you either. Your forgeting they are opening up the game to a wider audience. as I said before I have been playing cs since 1.6 I dont call my self pro back then I used to use a laptop with no mouse and still enjoyed it, loved source even more then this I dont know what to say it feels better in some ways, but not in others
You can though... You just need to learn the new recoil patterns....

It is not stupidly easy to spray like source but you can still do it.

You can't spray in this game NirK, not on a consistent basis anyway. I don't know if it's a problem with the game or whether the devs intended it..but it can't be done regularly it's very random. The recoil feels (and looks) pretty similar to 1.6 but the bullets don't seem to register at times, as I said in a previous post this is my only issue with the game at the minute other than that I love it.

You may think it's better that you're forced to aim correctly but there are some areas in maps if multiple enemies are bearing down on you, you simply don't have the time to do a 2 or 3 shot burst and reset your aim sometimes you do need to go full auto. Ironically, the awp is still great. I always found on 1.6 sometimes if your shot was slightly off the bullet would still connect anyway, it's the same in GO.
Basically I will sum up this entire thread / the entire internets opinions on CS:GO in 3 simple categories:

1) CS 1.6 Veterans who love the game and still play competitively: They will not like CS:GO because they do not want it to change from 1.6. Maybe they will come round eventually because CS:GO is actually more similar to 1.6 than CSS.

2) CSS players who still enjoy CSS, possibly play competitively and have mastered the gameplay of CSS eg. spray heavily etc. : Will not like this game because they are too lazy to re learn CS:GO and have become completely reliant on spraying.

3) People who have played 1.6 and CSS heavily and have become tired with the poor netcode and generally are bored of CSS : Will welcome CS:GO and find that there have actually been quite a few improvements and the new game is a refreshing break from the old games.
You can't spray in this game NirK, not on a consistent basis anyway. I don't know if it's a problem with the game or whether the devs intended it..but it can't be done regularly it's very random. The recoil feels (and looks) pretty similar to 1.6 but the bullets don't seem to register at times, as I said in a previous post this is my only issue with the game at the minute other than that I love it.

You may think it's better that you're forced to aim correctly but there are some areas in maps if multiple enemies are bearing down on you, you simply don't have the time to do a 2 or 3 shot burst and reset your aim sometimes you do need to go full auto. Ironically, the awp is still great. I always found on 1.6 sometimes if your shot was slightly off the bullet would still connect anyway, it's the same in GO.

Yeh I understasnd exactly because I used to play CSS competitively and was very good at spraying... However I am completely bored of CSS and I find the changes in CS:GO refreshing because I have a new game to play. You can acually can re-aim at multiple enemies pretty damn fast because compared to 1.6 for example the cross hair re-centres extremely fast.
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